twenty-nine: over the limit

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Charles gave his last interview as his phone started ringing in the pocket of his gray jeans. He thanked the crew as he pulled away answering Carlos's call. "Hello?.. " Charles answered not expecting the call. 

"Hey, I am with Cheryl right now, she isn't looking good." Charles's heart nearly stopped with what he heard. "Did you make sure nobody saw Carlos?" Charles asked not knowing the girl's parents knew. "Yes, mate, everybody is at media or meetings right now." Carlos answered his teammate.

Charles started running toward the hospitality section as he spoke. "What happened? What do you mean she isn't looking good? Is she okay? Are you at Redbull?" Charles listed his questions breathless from running. "No, I don't know what happened, I took her to your room." Carlos said.

Charles hung up the phone as he took a right to the Ferrari hospitality and ran the stairs not knowing what state the girl he dearly loved would be in. As he picked up his head on the last flight of stairs he made eye contact with the teary-eyed blondie she rushed to get inside to see her holding a black lacey underwear. 

Charles without hesitation entered the room flicking that off the girl's hands as he wrapped his arms around her. Carlos immediately left the room at the sight of Charles and he was so glad he didn't have to stay another second not knowing what he would say to the girl, closing the door behind him. 

Cheryl couldn't find the strength in her to push the boy away from herself. Charles took a step back still holding the girl who was trying her ultimate hardest to hold back her tears. Charles sat her down on her massage bed. "I don't know what and how or-" Charles said not knowing what the say he groaned with anger as he punched the wall. Meanwhile, Cheryl was just staring at the reflection of the lights on the floor silently, her silence was much more frustrating to Charles than anything. "Look I don't know whose that is okay, I mean it's probably Charlottes but-" Cheryl cut him off holding her stomach. "Please stop, Charles I- I need to go." Cheryl said getting off the bed and trying to get her stuff from the floor.

Charles quickly reached out to the girl trying to stop her. "Cheryl, are you okay?" Charles said understanding the underwear situation was not why Carlos called before. "Don't touch me." Cheryl said as she clicked the only emergency contact she has added with her blurry vision.

"Blaze I am having an attack can you get me, please, make haste." Cheryl said between her tears as she tried her best to get out of the hospitality building as far away from Charles as possible but it was no use since he was following her. "Cherry, where are you? I am coming right now." Blaze asked the girl worried. "Meet me behind Ferrari." Cheryl said getting off the phone and leaving Blaze worried. 

Cheryl threw herself on the grass on the shade only for Charles to appear sitting in front of her. "Charles please go away, I need to be alone with my brother. " As she said Blaze came running holding up Cheryl's head and looking into her pupils and resting her back on the wall. 

He pulled out some gum and handed it to Cheryl. "Is it the heat? Did someone do something?" Blaze said looking at Charles as he asked the second question. "Berry take me to the hotel please." Cheryl simply said as she started chewing the gum which made her stomach feel better.

"You did something, didn't you? I was so stupid to let her believe your lies." Blaze said as he pushed Charles down, he knew he shouldn't have trusted Charles, he knew he should've kicked him out when Charles showed up in the Horner apartment trying to take Cheryl to Milan. 

"Blaze it's not like tha-" Charles stopped as he saw Cheryl lying on the grass, eyes closed, unconscious. Charles' world felt like it was collapsing on him, Charles' world was laying unconscious, and he brought this mess up on the girl; he was the one to blame.

"Speak!" Blaze yelled unaware of the state of his very own sister behind his back, he followed Charles' eyes to Cheryl. He quickly scooped his sister off the grass. "Don't stand like that get her stuff." Blaze said with a firm tone which made the Monagasque boy get out of his trance. He quickly grabbed her stuff and ran after Blaze who was rushing to the medics' corner. Fans were all looking with wondering eyes at them which made Charles feel like he couldn't breathe as well. In the corner of his eyes passing by the media corner, he saw Lando, Max, and Carlos wrap up their interviews with the sight of unconscious Cheryl in Blaze's arms. 

Blaze put his sister slowly on the bed as he started talking to the medics team, Charles saw the automatic doors close on him. He looked at the girl's belongings he had in his hand and back at the door opening revealing Blaze. Blaze's dark eyes were now all reddened his hands forming into fists by his side, Charles knew what was about to come so he closed his eyes to let Blaze punch him to death if necessary. He definitely knew Blaze had every right to, not to mention Charles would rather be dead than experience the gut-wrenching feeling he had ever again.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and he slowly opened his eyes, to see Blaze pulling him into a tight but short hug. "Look Charles, just tell me what happened to my sister. Don't let me regret trusting you, don't let me even take my father on be for nothing. I do not want to regret this knowing if I opposed it from the start she wouldn't be inside there now." Blaze spoke calmly making Charles realize this was probably the first but the last time he was going to have a genuine conversation with Blaze after what he was about the confess.

Charles took a deep breath in to speak but he turned around with people coming towards them. Christian and Geri running ahead of Lando, Max, Carlos, and Charlotte. "Where is your sister? Is she okay?" Christian questioned Blaze, Geri couldn't even talk with the fear of something happening to her beloved daughter. Blaze pointed to his back silently to the door of the medics' corner. Geri rushed in as Christian took a glimpse of the Ferrari boy carrying his daughter's belongings. "I will have those, thank you for coming down, very nice of you." He spoke with a very fake gratitude as Charles handed them to him. The last thing he wanted was this boy around his daughter.

"Max please take these to my room please, will you?" Christian said as he handed them to him while his sharp gaze was still on the Ferrari boy. Charles and Blaze both had their head down like two little guilty boys who broke a vase while playing ball and getting scolded. Max quickly left with Carlos knowing this was going to get quite personal. "Lando and Blaze please check up on Geri and Cheryl." Christian said nicely yet the boys knew that they were an order. Lando quietly walked in seeing Geri crying, he quickly hugged the woman, and the doors were closed again. "Blaze?" Christian questioned since he didn't even make a single move. Blaze bravely picked his head up trying to speak. "Papa listen-" He was quickly shut down by his father. "Oh, I am going to listen to you after this boy explains why he is here with my daughter's belongings in hand." Christian said looking at Charles his hand crossed over his chest.

"I asked him, he is my friend and he saw me holding Cheryl in a bad state, he helped. Is there a problem with that?" Charles picked up his head to look at Blaze with shock, the things he said now had more of a meaning than ever. "I think we should be happy we have friends that would be there for us and I think Cheryl would appreciate seeing you when she wakes up." Blaze said as he forced his old man inside before things got bigger than it already has been.

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