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Alexander's pov:-

I immediately got to work and started performing CPR. I placed my hands and tried to make her heart beat again. I am slowly losing hope when suddenly her heart starts beating again.

I can feel myself able to breathe again, my men already took the cars out and we went to the hospital zooming past the streets.

The took her into the emergency room and closed the doors.

I held grace who is still crying. I held her rocking back and forth Like Avery did before in an attempt to calm her down. Slowly she fell asleep.

I placed her down in a chair in front and started pacing up and down the corridor trying not to let my mind wander off.

After what felt like a lifetime the doors opened and the doctor came out.

"Ms. Thompson ?" He asked looking at us.

"Yes", I replied eagerly.

Dying to hear something or anything about her condition.

He looked at his clipboard and stated "A lot of bones were broken, the impact fell on her spine and head, she also lost a lot of blood. Her body couldn't take it and she slipped into coma. There's wasn't much we could do."

He said. I can feel my heart sinking.

"When will she wake up?", I asked my voice shaking.

"We cannot be sure. Its totally up to the patient. Some may take days or weeks or months and even years but in some cases they might never wake up", he said slowly.

He stepped forward placing a hand on my shoulder.

"It depends on her and her will to live. All we could do is wait"

With that he left me alone with my thoughts.

As soon as he left I can feel myself growing weak in the knees.

I slowly sunk to the floor and put my head in my hands. I can feel guilty eating away at the pit of my stomach.

"Please don't leave us", I whispered to myself.


Its been two weeks since she slipped into coma.

I was relentless the whole time.

I didn't know why I am affected this much when I just knew her for a little time. But she did, more than she would ever know.

Grace refused to leave her side but we send her home after 2 days. she kept on crying holding her mothers motionless body.

She refuses to leave her side. But she needs to rest. She didn't even eat properly.

With each passing day I could feel the guilt growing and growing. And there is nothing I could do about it.

I already sent some of my men to track the fuckers down.

As soon as I find them they are gonna wish death found them before I did.

One more week later


Avery's POV :-

Everything hurts that's all I know. I feel like shit I could hear but I can't open my eyes its like someone glued them together.

My throat is parched. It feels like I ate a sandpaper.

I slowly tried to move my fingers first. After a lot of struggle I managed to move my fingers a little.

Suddenly I can hear rustling around me.

I can hear people yelling and running around me. After a very long time I managed to open my eyes a little.

I immediately closed them because the light is so bright.

Someone turn them down. It felt like they are burning my eyeballs down.

I squinted my eyes open a little more again.

I looked around and see many doctors and nurses. I slowly turned my head around and saw Alexander standing beside the bed.

Looking like he just saw a ghost.


I managed to whisper out.

One nurse immediately held a glass to my lips.

I gulped the whole glass in one go. Taking hungry gulps.

I let out a big sigh when I felt my throat coming back to life.

A doctor came forward and started asking me some questions about how I'm feeling I gave them some answers.

" Now you just need to rest to gain your strength back up and you need to eat too. We will come check on you again. Call us if you need anything." The doctor said and left the room.

Now it's just me and him. All this time he is just standing at the edge of the bed looking at me.

Suddenly everything that happened hit me like a truck.

Only one name came to mind. Grace.

"Grace" I whispered afraid of the answer I was so desperately hoping was positive.

"She's fine thanks to you. You took almost all of the impact she got couple bruises and a broken bone but she's fine" he explained slowly.

"Where is she i need to see her right now" I demanded.

"They are coming here as we speak" he explains.

Then I remembered his words. The very words that broke my heart.

I turned the other way not being able to look at his face any longer.

I felt anger, sadness everything at the same time.

Suddenly the doors to the room bursted open and my little angel came running inside and jumped into my arms.

All thoughts about everything washed away as I felt relief wash over me as tears started streaming down my face.

My heart stopped when I saw her falling. I almost lost my little girl.

No mother should go through the pain of looking at a scene like that.

I held her tight against my chest as her body wrecked with sobs.

For the first time in a very long time I felt a little relief.

I held her cherishing the feeling of her in my arms safe and sound at last.

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