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Avery's pov:-

(Next morning) and cereal also wow they sure eat mhm. My eyes look dead I couldn't sleep at all i stayed awake the whole night crying ,searching, contemplating my life and all.

Hey and good thing is I now know what they eat cool right. Even if I wanted to i couldn't sleep she woke atleast 3 times screaming because of nightmares.

The poor kid. I just couldn't let her sleep like that so I put her on top of my chest and patted her back slowly. After that she slept peacefully but i didn't.

I mean how could I it would be weird if I did. The first thing in the morning I called my boyfriend. His name is Jack he's a nice guy.

I love him so much but he is just a lot busy so we couldn't spend time together. I didn't say anything than come it's important.

He came after an hour. The door bell rang i was relieved i always thought he had answers for everything and can solve anything.

I opened the door " hey babe".

"What is so important that you have to call me early in the morning?".

What ? Why is he acting like that?.

"Why are you shouting talk slowly grace is sleeping".

" Grace?".

After I explained everything and showed him grace. He is silent for a moment and suddenly started laughing loudly. I was confused.

"What is it?".

"Is this what you've been doing? I knew something isn't right because every time I ask you you say you're not ready. But no you are fucking someone else. Should've thought. Now you are bringing this little shit so I would say yeah it's ok I'll take care of her right? Well no, i knew you were a slut".

He suddenly stood up and grabbed grace by collar and started pulling her to the door.

" The fuck do you think your doing?".

"i believe you ok let me get rid of her then we can get to you".

I immediately stood up pulled grace to me and pushed her behind me and slap.

The sound is echoing the whole house. I don't think I've ever slapped someone so hard. My hands are not small like any other girl.

They are big they are rough too. And me and him are same height 5.7. his entire right side of his face was pink my whole hand print was on his face.

" Touch her again and you will walk out without a leg".

" Did you just hit me?? How dare you?".

Before he could even rise his hand slapp. Yeah i slapped him again. Now he looks like he is about to cry. I am strong too.

I like to workout and build muscle. It looks cool and comes in handy.

" You! How dare you? I will fuck your life up!!".

"We'll see about that asshole".

And he ran out the door slamming it in the process. When I turned around grace is crying in the corner of the room, shit i forgot she is here.

I kneeled before her and slowly took her little hands and kissed the back of them.

" I'm sorry darling. Please forgive me?".

I'm scared of what she'll say can she talk she can right? I'm not sure. Slowly she stood up and hugged my neck and whispered a small ya.

In my ear. God she will be the death of me. I knew in that moment I will do anything for this girl i never knew. I slowly stood up lifting her with me.

" Let's go get somethings for you yeah".

We went on a little shopping spree and got some necessary things like brush, clothes, some toys and a book that say how to raise a baby.

Yeah girl thats what I'm wondering too. After we came back I got her ready and made some breakfast.

And she is eating it god that feels good. When you made something and people are enjoying it yeah feels good.

After that I put her toys in the living room for her to play and started cleaning up the dishes while watching her play.

The day went on like this i was not that hard actually. I also played with her. She's an energetic little thing she kept running around the whole day and still wasn't tired.

I wonder where did she got it from. Her eyes are soo pretty too they greenish blue they are like a dense forest and sky mix. She could make you do anything with those eyes. It's now night around 7 pm.

I'm trying to cut these carrots into octopus and right now it looks anything but that. One came out looking like a abused bug. While doing this i hear my main door slamming open.

I could hear yells in the house my heart is slamming against my ribcage. I ran to the living room. My only thought was grace. I immediately pulled her up and held her. When I looked at the door i can feel colour draining from my face.


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