And Dhriti Was one of them.

The lift clicked and he marched out. He asked one of the nurses which looked quite young about Dhriti and she told him where she was.....the nurse was stunned and excited too.....

God he is so handsome.....she thought inwardly.

But he didn't gave any heed to the useless girl. Nothing was changed in his behaviour and he will not change himself for anyone.

He knew that everyone there was gawking at him but he was all used to that.

He was going towards the ward where Dhriti was... with his two guards following him when he noticed a young boy studying on one of the side benches in the hall way.

He frowned. Why was this boy studying here....

He out of curiosity went to him. " Why are you studying here?!" He asked coming straight to the point.

The boy gazed up on him. He saw how handsome this man was looking in his Armani suit and guards following him.

" Because I want to become like you. " He told him. This does soothed his pride. He knew the new generation do look up at him.

" But why are you studying here." He asked this time much calmer being pleased by his previous reply

" My mother have cancer....she is treated here...i can't go home so I brought my books here. My teacher will be coming here." He told him

For a time, Shivaay felt sympathetic towards him. And his gaze softened.

" Don't look at me like that; my teacher told my mom will be okay" the boy told him not liking the sympathy he was holding.

Shivaay smiled. This boy was so much like him. But he can never be anywhere near him, he was where no one can ever be.... Ever. He did not considered any girl to stay beside him and rule beside him and that was also the reason he was not able to find his fucking soulmate.

It was what he thought about himself. He was very full of himself.

" You will be almost like me one day." He told the young one. Hoping maybe he will understand.

" Or maybe better" the boy told. Shivaay smiled and leaned down to his level.

" No one is better then me boy" he told him. The boy's eyebrow furrowed. Just when he was about to say something Shivaay Asked.

" By the way who is this teacher of yours." A smile found a way on the boy's lips. He was about to say something when he saw someone calling his name.

" Deepu" he turned hearing the voice. Even Shivaay's head whipped in the direction of voice. He knew this voice all so well.

" Didiii" he called. (Sister)

" What are you doing?" She asked confused. It was dhriti.

She was out of the ward and coming to Deepu to teach him a bit when she saw him talking to Mr. Singhania.

She met Deepu when he came with his mother as a guardian as his father was a Martyr. He did have relatives but none of them helped. That was when Dhriti stepped forward. She helped him not only in money but also in his studies which he was suffering badly. He was a very bright student and she did not wanted such a bright future to go in drain.

" Nothing.... see I want to become like him. " He told her.

" Oh .." this was all she said and looked to Shivaay.

She didn't wanted that pretty soul to become a self centred guy like him. But as like any other human he did had some points where he was good too.

In last few days she learnt a more lot about him. He was famous....too famous. Especially between women. He was rich and loved his family to infinity. She also learned that he is not that bad. He knows how to smile and all but he still did not said sorry to her for his last behaviour. By the way Dhriti was not the type to hold grudges against someone but she still does owe an apology for his behaviour.

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