|11| BlurringThoughts

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

Izuku and the blonde had taken a seat onto the soft sofa in the naturally lit living room. They both faced a beautiful forest that was visible through the tall window. The greenette stared nervously in front of him, remembering the big door slam of the angry blonde.

He didn't know what to say, already knowing he probably was the reason for the other's anger. Luckily then Inko appeared from the kitchen with hot mugs in her hand, casting away the silence.

"Mitsuki had showed me some of the pictures of your shoots" Inko said as she put down two cups of tea for her guests "but she had forgotten to mention your height" she chuckled lightly still in disbelief of the tall man "I bet you have a nice girlfriend already"

"Oh no" Katsuki almost immediately denied "I've dated some girls for a bit" he admitted before taking a sip of the tea "but it never got serious or anything"

"I bet your popular though" the woman insisted "girls must go crazy for your model face" but that also quickly got shut down by the blonde.

"Not at all" he chuckled at the woman's imagination "There's never really anything I like" he confessed, making Izuku look up at him in confusion.

Not popular my ass, is all Izuku could think after seeing what had happened in the café and the brunch place earlier this morning. There seemed to be girls falling for him left and right.

Which made it even more weird the redhaired girl he had talked to all night turned out to not his girlfriend. Izuku shouldn't feel anything because of this, but then why did he seem happy and even relieved?

"Any news about Ururaka?" Inko then made Izuku shoot up out of his thoughts "did you give your answer already?" Sounded another question, now urging a weird expression onto Kacchan's face.

"Mom!" The greenette yelled out and hid his face in embarrassement. This would only make Katsuki think weird things. Why did she have to ask that now? "I told you I don't like her that way"

"Oh come on Izu, she's a pretty girl and you two were so close in high school" the woman ignored the now even more furrowed brows above Katsuki's eyes. "If she confesses there's only one thing to do"

"Exactly" Izuku quickly agreed "that's what I did" and before Kacchan could hastily ask more information about the confession he hadn't known of, the shorter man continued "I kindly said I would rather remain friends" as he blew a bit on his tea.

"I love the sweater you're wearing Izu" Inko tried to change the subject her son clearly hadn't liked. "It suits your eyes" she said, earning a self admiring chuckle from the blonde now almost choking in his cofee.

When Inko looked a bit lost, Izuku quickly explained "Kacchan actually bought this sweater for me this morning" now a bit flushed since that had sounded like him and the blonde were close.

"So you learn a lot about clothes because of your shoots?" Inko now sounded impressed "Is it hard working in the modeling industry?"

"I'm lucky I don't need an agent since I can always model for my parents brand" the blonde explained to the two others, visibly in admiration "but when I model for other brands it can get harsh sometimes"

"Actually I have a shoot in three days and my friend canceled on coming with me, so if you want to come with me" he then proposed, as Izuku's face lit up. Kacchan wanted to see him again, so it seemed he wasn't angry anymore. "I could show you around"

"I-I'd love to" Izuku couldn't hold in his excitement. Kacchan seemed to remind him of the things he had loved in high school. Like his mom had talked about Ururaka full of praise, he felt that way about Kacchan.

"I'll come to pick you up in three days then" Kacchan said with a smirk and put his empty cup back on the table, before standing up. "I'll be leaving now" he smiled to the woman who let him in. "I wouldn't want to take up any more of your time with your son"

He then looked back at the greenette still in the sofa "and seriously Deku" and put his hand on the person's thigh shortly with an annoyed face saying "visit your lovely mother more often hmm?"

All Izuku could do was nod, before seeing the tall man leave the room with his mother, who also seemed to agree with his statement. Izuku couldn't believe the emptiness he started feeling almost immediately after the blonde had left his vision.

It's as if he had gotten used to the person's beauty without noticing and now missed his presence. He couldn't stop thinking about the past few hours, as if they were a movie he had to relive multiple times.

After his mom had started interrogating him further, it didn't stop. He could still see Kacchan charming the ladies in the café. Even when he had gotten into a new bed his mom had prepared for him, he still nitpicked every moment that had happened these past 24 hours.

Rethinking every word he and the blonde had exchanged, as he couldn't get his closed eyes to stop seeing his face. His body refused to sleep, as his memories started to reform because of all the thinking.

All his scenarios about how he should've acted and what he should've done, started creeping into his actual memory, making his thoughts blurry. When he suddenly remembered the moment Kacchan had been so close in the car, his mind halted.

That was the only moment his mind couldn't come up with a better scenario, since Izuku didn't know why the blonde had been so close. What if he hadn't woken up? What would've happened?

With that thought the greenette finally fell asleep, as he couldn't wait for the next 2 days to fly by.

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