| 7 | Charming Womaniser

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"Di-did I say so-something that make you feel gu-guilty?" Izuku asked hesitantly, as he watched the bump activally getting smaller due to Kacchan's care. The blonde looked up with confused expression.

"Why would you say that?" Katsuki questioned, not knowing where those words had come from. He had to admit, he was disappointed Deku hadn't remembered their kiss from yesterday. Because of that, Kacchan was now full of questions, he couldn't get rid of.

"Be-because you're being so nice to me" Izuku explained "it's almost like you're not the real Kacchan" That last statement made Kacchan almost chuckle in irony, since that was exactly what he had been thinking the day before.

When the smaller man had grabbed his cheeks and connected their lips the day before, Katsuki felt shocked, since he had never thought Deku would kiss a man. He couldn't deny being happy with that discovery.

"Were you planning on going home with the first train?" Katsuki asked one of the less important questions in his head to not scare the greenette away.

"I was actually planning on staying for a week" the other answered "Since All Might insisted on me taking time off" Izuku put the empty bowl on a small table next to him. "I was actually supposed to book a hotel" he admitted in shame showing all over his cheeks.

"Wow you really are amazing" Katsuki sarcastically mocked the man on the sofa and laughed at Deku's incompetence. "You really can't do a single shit by yourself, can you, Deku?"

The greenette didn't know what to say, knowing that the other was right. What he didn't know, was that Katsuki had felt glad for a slight moment, feeling Deku had realized he needed him.

"My stuff!" Izuku suddenly shot up, as his eyes widened "My-my stuff, I think I le-left it at the bar!" guessed the greenette, as he put a hand on his mouth in horror.

"Calm down" Katsuki spoke having an immediate calming effect on Deku's face "Do you have your phone and wallet?" Izuku nodded to that question and got reassuring words in return "That's the most important"

"What was in the bag?"

"Clothes" Izuku mumbled, as he searched his memory "Shampoo, um toothbrush, a comb and I also brought like these bobby pins for my hair" he kept listing items, not being able to notice Katsuki's laughter in the background.

"Don't just name every shitty thing nerd" Kacchan managed out in a chuckle, making Izuku even more red now, for feeling dumb. "It might still be in the bar" he suggested and grabbed the bandages.

Deku's ankle had become way less swollen, so Katsuki thought some bandages would be able to make him walk. After some quick wrapping movements he stood up and reached out for other's hand. "Get up shitty nerd"

"We're going to look for your stuff"

Deku waited behind the tall back, as Katsuki tried to get the staff's attention. Izuku must've probably done that, but at the moment he didn't really want to be recognized by the people of the café.

"Can we help you?" A woman who was cleaning the tables asked. "We are opening in an hour or so though" she warned and looked at a man behind her, who nodded while filling the empty refrigerators.

"Are you not asking?" Katsuki sounded in a questioning tone, although he already knew the answer. Izuku shook is head nervously and remained behind his back, face down in shame.

"Did you guys find a suitcase last night?" The blonde asked, as he looked at the embarrassed mess behind him "I know a certain fucker, who lost his stuff" he said in a loud tone, before he tried not to laugh at his own joke, seeing Deku freeze.

"Um no, I don't think so" the woman answered and looked at the mysterious trembling figure behind the man with the question. "I can check again with the other staff if you want"

"Actually, if you could do that" the blonde smiled charmingly, making the woman blush. "I have another question for them too" and watched the lady leave.

It just proved to Izuku how much attention Katsuki got, but maybe that was only normal, since he was super tall and was quite the looker.

"Wha-what are you planning?" Izuku asked, as he pulled Kacchan's shirt. He recongized the smirk his childhood friend had just made. This could mean no good. Izuku insisted "They don't have my stuff let's leave!" and tried pulling the other's arm.

When the every single person of the staff appeared from the back room, Izuku immediately lost all courage and faced the ground. Katsuki put his most charming smile on display and now also got the other's of the staff blushing.

"You-you had a question for us s-sir?" Another woman of the staff hesitantly asked, after seeing the intruder's beauty. It was the man they all had talked about in the kitchen all night.

"Do any of you know a certain Kiruka?" He asked hiding his annoyance, at the answer he expected. "She says she has worked here"

A short silence started, as the staff looked at each other to give their joined answer. When everyone's face had some doubting brows on their faces, they looked back at the man and shook their heads.

"Never heard of her" said one of the women in the back, she was a lot older than the rest "and I've worked here for 9 years" she claimed, giving Katsuki the conclusion he had already expected.

"Oh no worries" he reassured the helping staff "I might be mistaken" and turned around, now facing the still embarrassed man. "Thank you and I hope you guys have an amazing day" he showed his gratitude and charmingly smiled at every one of them.

Deku looked at the women, now holding in squeals, as they already started looking at each other in excitement. Katsuki really had changed to a charming womaniser, but this was a change Izuku had to admit he didn't like.

What was he supposed to do now. He had no clothes and was supposed to meet his mom today. Before he could think of an answer to that a voice yelled at him from in the car.

"Get in loser we're going shopping"

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