A poem about a fraud

16 2 5

A poem about a fraud

He has a heart

He has a soul

He's not the villain, so what is his goal?

She likes to be special

She creates her own misery

She doesn't want to get better

Because deep down she knows she's the villain

He feels guilty for his crimes

His own existence brings him pain

He can't even rhyme

At least not right now

He doesn't want to be her, but she knows she is

She's the villain

The fraud

The damsel in distress

She will never be him

She only wants to be

Because in her mind

She'd be free from her role as the bad guy

I'm neither of them

I'm not even real

I'm just a thought

A crumbling memory in the flesh

(My Doki Doki Literature Club phase is returning lmao-)

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