So I don't forget it...

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*at a bathroom from a highway restaurant*

Mum's partner: *about to go to the men's bathroom*

Me: *about to follow him*

Mum: "They don't have toilet cubicles in the men's restroom, so you can't go there!"

Me: "Huh??? Is that true?"

Mum's partner: *looks around the corner* "yes, it is."

Me: "Okaaaaaaaay?"

Me: *goes with my mum*


Mum: "Actually, they do have toilet cubicles there. But you're not allowed to go there whatsoever, because you can't pee while standing! And it would be embarrassing for the people in there, if you'd walk past them!"

Me: "But I've been to the men's restroom before?"

Mum: "You were born female and as long as you look like that, you will go to the women's restroom!"

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