24 Reasons why I dislike Batdr

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You read the title, but just a reminder:
I don't hate the game and this is just my own personal rant.

1. It lakes interesting character. No, neither Porter nor Betty have any backstory as far as I can tell (if they do, please tell me.) And they don't even play a mayor role in the story in general. Susie, Allison and etc already existed in Batim, so they don't count. Wilson's backstory is as boring as a cardboard and he should've gotten waaaaay more dept.

2. The absence of psychological horror. (Seriously, the only scene I shortly got scared by was the one where Audrey climbed up a wall and got jumpscared by Piper. That's it. Susie's part doesn't count, because it was just a boring ass puzzle and one of the most bland boss fights in history- no, they all sucked now that I think about it...

3. The ink demon no longer appears with shadows on the walls, he gets ANNOUNCED.
Seriously? Did you have to ruin the surprise?

4. The complete absence of Norman Polk. (If I'm wrong, please tell me.)

5. Twisted Alice's/Susie's part of the game. Do I have to say more? She deserved so much more, than just a stupid puzzle and a lame boss fight. This character had so much potential and all they gave her was a redemption arc last second.

6. The overall story. Wtf. Did they really think we didn't know Wilson was the villain?

7. The part with Wilson's mansion. That wasn't Batdr guys, that was Resident Evil, but boring.

8. The spider boss fight, what is this, Luigi's Mansion 2??? Completely random and doesn't get explained whatsoever.

9. Henry Stein is just a side character and I believe he deserved better as well.

10. Sammy Lawrence should've been an enemy or ally, not just an easter egg. The Meatly and Kindly Beast: People LOVED this character and you didn't take that opportunity to make him a big part of the plot? Why????

11. The Keepers. 😐 Seriously, why???

12. The "lore". Why did they have to change their lore to match Matpad's theories?????? Just why????? Fun fact: the book "Dreams Come True" and Batdr now have different lores. Yaaaaaaaaaay.

13. The ending. It didn't feel deserved. At all.

14. Allison popping in and out depending on if she's needed or not.

15. The lost ones being filler.

16. The absence of memorable places. Just name one, I'll wait.

17. Audrey's abilities existing... because???????????????????

18. Heidi. F*cking Heidi. Why she exists? To stretch out the game of course!

19. Joey Drew's appearance and him pretending to be good. (Okay, it only triggers me that people now say he's good. He's not. He's still a psychopath.)

20. The fact that everyone else says it's good. Maybe because of the graphics?
Am I not seeing something?
Have we watched different gameplays?????

21. The city part. It makes no f*cking sense for it to be there. It feels so out of place.

22. The ink demon going from hunting/killing Audrey to „helping" her out of the f*cking blue. Like, seriously, for what? He didn't get anything out of it and he even lost because of it. It doesn't make any logical sense. Also: he's not one to manipulate others, that's Twisted Alice's job. What exactly did the developers smoke??? Ink? Probably straight through the nose...

23. Henry's design shouldn't have been revealed in the game, it was a part of his character. (The mirror in the safe house, chapter 3)

24. The whole Bendy's two forms thing.

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