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Her soft white hair curled around her face, framing it with ringlets. It cascaded past her shoulders, stopping at her lower back. Her innocent, pale face shone with her wide, lavender eyes. Her lips were a ballerina pink, hinting at a small smile. Although from far away it appeared as if she was reading, if you looked closer, you'd notice her eyes were glazed over, lost in a far off wonderland. She was remembering. Remembering her past and what her future was supposed to be. She was supposed to be a princess, a goddess almost. She was not supposed to be here, a captive taken by her own "relatives."

When a star and a moon connect, it forms a power greater than anything else in the universe. In order for the powers to be complete and function fully, the star and moon must stay connected. Those powers are then transferred to the rulers. These rulers are made up of two families, known to each other as relatives, although not related by blood. One family rules the moon, their complexions soft, pale, and cool. The other family rules the sun, their complexions warm and strong. It started with the Sun and Earth's only moon. Their connection was, and is still, unknown to man. However, it is the strongest in the Kingdom. They possess powers no one else can dream of. It for that reason they are the dominant rulers. All other micro-kingdoms, as they are called, answer to them.

There are five simple laws of the Kingdom. Besides these, the families are free to live their lives how they wish. One, trying to throw the Sun or Moon out of power is a major offense. Two, once your star/moon has connected, you may not move to another. Three, you may never abduct the child currently in line for a throne. Four, violence and mistreatment between relatives are prohibited. Five, if any of these laws are seen being broken, you must report it straight away to the Official Court. Disobeying these laws may result in service, prison time, or, under extreme conditions, the stripping of all powers.

One year ago, the di Luna family broke these laws without getting caught. The di Lunas ruled the moon, Callisto. Cyra di Luna had an authoritative look, with her shoulder length white hair and pale, powder blue eyes. Her husband, Vollmund, had deep indigo eyes and slightly spiked silver hair. Together, they had a single child, a daughter, by the name of Chiara. Their relatives were the Etioles. They ruled the star, Proxima Centauri, bringing about the strongest connection besides the Sun and Moon. Asteria Etoile had long, shiny reddish-brown hair and piercing brown eyes. Her husband, Astin, had reddish-blonde hair and red eyes, with a look that terrified anyone. They also had only a single child, however it was a boy, by the name of Akhtar. Akhtar was born with blonde hair and brown eyes, sweeter looking than most born with star blood. Despite his sweet look however, the di Lunas soon found out about The Plan. The Plan, devised by the Etioles, was a strategy to overthrow the rulers of the Sun and Moon, using the immense power of their connection with the di Lunas. Knowing how illegal it was, the di Lunas decided to take a chance and flee. They needed to escape their relatives, before they got sucked into The Plan, which had only one end result, getting their powers stripped. So, they changed their names and ran to the nearby star, Sirius, thus pulling off the biggest scandal, shall we say, in the Kingdoms history. The connection was broken, along with the Etoiles' precious powers. Nobody knew what had happened. Many assumed they had died, but still a few held suspicions. One week ago, they were discovered. Not by the officials, but by their ex-relatives. Instead of turning them in, they decided to take something as valuable to the di Lunas as their powers were to them - Chiara.

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