Chapter: 6

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Ruby Rose P.O.V

Bubba's been more affectionate lately. He keeps spoon feeding and cuddling me after I traumati- I mean, dominated him in bed. I think I know the reason why.

Currently, My husband is cooking dinner while his fluffy tail wags gently side by side. A low humming was being sung by him and a little bounciness made me create this adorable image of him in my head.

He looks back at me, before his eyes slowly moved towards my belly. I know what he's looking for. A tiny bump but there was nothing. He raises an eyebrow before shrugging and continued cooking.

After a while, he finishes and warps the pot on the table along with a bowl and a spoon. He walks around the kitchen counter and opened the lid of the pot as a heavenly smell entered my nostrils.

I got up from the sofa and sat in front of the table as my husband prepares me a bowl of soup. He places it in front of me and began spoon feeding me... again.

Ruby: Bubba, I can eat on my own just fine.

Y/n: But you can't overwork yourself.

Ruby: How can someone overwork themselves by eating?

Y/n: Mukbang?

Ruby: Well, yes. But we're not doing a mukbang and we never will.

Y/n: Oh, hush Dear. just let me feed you, okay?

Ruby: Fine.

He blows on the soup to cool it down before placing the spoon inside my mouth. I don't know what he added in her but it tasted amazing! This continued on until the bowl was finished.

After that, he gently carried me back into the sofa using his semblance. He lays me down horizontally and he immediately snuggled into my stomach with a happy smile making my heart ache from the cuteness.

His tail drops beside me as I began caressing it. The ray of sulight through the windows lightens the atmosphere as Bubba's slow humming gives off this pleasure to my ears. Honestly, this is the life. I want this to last forever.

Y/n: Hm~ Hm~ My baby~

I look down to see my Husband rubbing his face on my belly. Oh yeah... I haven't told him yet. Dang it, His reaction's gonna be so heartbreaking to see.

Ruby: Bubba...

He raises his head and looks at me with a smile.

Y/n: Yes, Dear? Do you need anything? Are you hungry again?

Ruby: No, No... Um...

He tilts his head and his smile remains. Gosh! I can't do this!!! But I have to!

Ruby: You do know that...

Y/n: That...?

Ruby: That I'm not pregnant. Right?

The moment I revealed the news to him, his tail dissapears and his fox ears flopped down as a heartbroken expression was present on his face.

Y/n: W-What...?

He looked like he was about to cry... Dang it! I feel really bad now! I knew I shouldn't have taken that pill!

Ruby: Oh, Bubba...

I grabbed the back of his head and placed it on top of my tummy. Tears slowly flows from his eyes as an audible whimpering was being made by him.

Y/n: Uuuu...

I gently rubbed the back of his head as his silent crying continues. The poor thing probably wanted some pups but he knows very well that we can't be parents yet.

Ruby: Bubba, look at me.

Y/n: Uuuu... my babies... you killed them all...!

He was silently crying at this point making me feel even worse. To calm him down, I rolled us over so that I'm on top and squished his cheeks together.

Y/n: Uuuuhuuu... My babies...

I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. He whimpered from the sudden affection but slowly calmed down after a few seconds.

I pulled away and snuggled my face into his neck, breathing in his scent as I did so. He wraps his arms around my waist before lightly nibbling on my shoulder.

Y/n: Dear...

Ruby: Shhh... It's okay.

I can feel him relax from my embrace. He continues to nibble on my shoulder; finally calming him down. Some time passed as I raise my head, only to see my husband was sleeping from the comfort. The sight making me giggle from the cuteness.

Ruby: I think I won't be able to live without you...

I said to him but to no one's surprise I didn't get a response.

Ruby: The endless happiness you shower me in, the delicious food you make, and the warm hugs you give...

I place my head on his chest, hearing his rhythmic heartbeat in my ears and letting in the cozy afternoon sunlight through the window. I swear, everything about him is all comfort.

Ruby: I love you, Bubba. Forever and Ever.

I slowly fell asleep from everything around me. If I were to die one day, then I wish it would be like this.

Ruby: You belong... to me... and me only... no one else's... I'll make sure of it.


A/n: Here is a bonus to answer a possible question.




Ruby lays on the sofa, waiting for you to finish cooking as she watches your fluffy tail sway from side to side.

Ruby: Hey, Bubba.

You turned around and looked at your wife while raising your eyebrows.

Y/n: Hm?

Ruby: Why do you have both fox ears and tail? I thought faunus only have one animal trait?

She's been wanting to ask this question for a while now, but couldn't seem to find the right time to ask. She decided it was now.

You looked at your tail for a moment and back at her before replying.

Y/n: I... Dont know...

Ruby: Oh... Okay... why does it only appear from time to time?

Y/n: It only appears when I'm feeling certain emotions such as happiness, pleasure or shock.

Ruby: Oh~ are you happy now~?

Ruby attempted to tease but you have a counter for that.

Y/n: Of course! that's because my lovely and adorable wife is here with me.

Ruby's face reddened as she attempted to hide her face behind her hands to prevent you from seeing her state.

Ruby: Ugh! Bubba, you snake!

Y/n: I'm a fox...

You chuckled at your wife's antics before turning off the stove to let whatever your cooking rest.

You approach your wife who was kicking her legs and has her face buried on the pillow before placing a hand on her back.

Y/n: We still have time before dinner. Wanna fluff my tail?

Ruby turned to face you looking all red and pouty.

Ruby: Yes.

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