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Elliot POV

I killing nevermore until I seen atlas ship take down the others.

Elliot:well damn time for a great landing strategy

I went full speed towards the ship I seen ruby land on it as I crashed into the the cockpit and heard 2 auras breaking.

Elliot:hopefully that wasn't the crew.

I grabbed my mask and magnums. I crawled out an saw a person carrying. closing the door on the way out I opened it following 2 blood trails and Coming across a metal pipe the escape pods. I see roman torchwick putting somebody into pod before attempting to close before falling to the ground as I notice him bleeding I walk up hit launch closing the hatch as he tried to get in and the person he was carrying trying to open it a count down of 10 seconds


Elliot:hello there roman

Roman:I thought you we-

Elliot:I got a new job working for the headmaster right after I got paid.

I pick him up and started to chock him in front of the small window where I see neo in there banging on the the window. I see him mouth something as she started crying and then it launched. I held him up until he stopped moving I dropped him

Cut to tyson

We got down to the basement and met up with ozpin And followedhi.

Ozpin:Where's jaune?

Tyson:he's clearing the airspace for us.

Ozpin:alright we must do this quickly


We got to 2 pods 1 with a girl in it and a empty one

Ozpin:please get in pyrha.

She got in as he started the machine before and arrow pierce the glass the other girl was in. I turned around and aim at the girl who shot it.

Tyson:Cinder? I thought she left with her team?

She seemed to glow

Cinder: I see ozpin drag some screet dog to help him

Ozpin:i got this you 2 go and please protect her and ruby at anycost mr.winchester.

Tyson;alright sir. Come on pyrha we got to get the ozpin office.

We both ran to the elevator and got in pushing to ozpin office i called Elliott.

Tyson:Elliott where are at were heading to the extracte point at ozpin office

Elliot:i just got there that dragon is coming towards the tower get up here fast


I turned to pyrha

Tyson: he is already up there we just got to get in the bullhead quickly.


The elevator shook about until we got there we both ran to bullhead as Elliott opened the side hatch

Elliot:get in now that dragon Is coming

He pulled both of us in as the dragon and cinder appeared the dragon hit the bullhead sending elliot out i was sent to the floor




I landed hard on the ground dropping some of my guns as I landed near the edge go and I seen the dragon go after the bullhead I looked around seeing

Elliot:sweet another student can you help me out here

She reached for me before I heard my comms go off and hear tyson

Tyson:Elliott don't trust cinder she killed ozpin i repeat don't trust her

Before I can move she touch chestplate and started to melt I jump out of the Of her range and started to take off my chest armor also losing one my magnums and some ammo

Elliot:crazy bitch

Cinder:now its really not nice to talk to other students that way I should tell the headmaster. Ozpin.

Ellliot:you better keep his name out of you mouth

I pull out 2 axes

Cinder:struck a nerve did I?

She chuckled

Cinder:I wonder who you are? now maybe you are use for me probably even for other purpose.

Elliot:on great friend told me to not stick my dick in crazy so I'm taking his advice especially on you.

She created a bow and show multiple arrows I slashed all the arrows only getting one stuck in my shoulder pad I asked if started to burn up I torn it off and threw it the bitch


I threw an axe right after she caught the shoulder pad and getting hit by the axe.
I ran up to her headbuttedbher then picking her up by the waist slammed her into some rubble and kicked her threw it before pulling out my magnum firing all the rounds L into her. I jump away as she burst with fire.

Elliot:StRuCk a nerve did I?

I said in condescending voice. I rolled out of the way behind rubble as she sent I reloaded my magnum. The dragon came back and ate me. I was stuck in the mouth as it tried to crush me with it I put my magnum in its holster using the armored arm to hold the jaw open i used my free hand grabbed a German from my belt before I can pull the pin my aura broke from the pressure I drop the gernade but it got caught in one of teeth
'Just my luck Damn thing fuck I'm losing oxygen this ain't lizard breath fucking drank' i used my legs to push against it. I grabbed my magnum and tried to aim for the gernade but I slowly giving up on my legs before firing five rounds at the gernade hitting it sending me out of the mouth and buring my arm and sone of my torso but in the Process wounding the dragon.


Cinder:you sure?Jaune arc

Elliot:fuck me

I noticed my mask was off and She made bow and arrow Taking aim at me. I slowly grabbed two grenades from belt as I face the other direction.

Elliot:wanna hear a joke?

Cinder:and what will that be.

Elliot:how's was it working at that hotel?

She screamed in anger I turned around sending to the grendanes towards her and firing the last round in my magnum hitting it. The explosion got both of us burning me even more but sending me off the tower and hearing a scream seeing a blind white light coming from the tower...

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