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Jauen sat on the roof as his "friends" left him alone was beaten to a bloody pulp by yang everyone else joined in except for ruby she just ignored just hurt about him lying he layed there now knowing they were never actually his friends he looked up and saw Cardin

Jaune:what do you want Cardin

Cardin:you need to get to the nurse

Jaune:why do

He started to cough up blood and past out Cardin picked him and carryed him to the nurse they help and stitch any injuries

Ruby came to check on him but Cardin didnt let her in


Cardin:you let them beat him to a pulp he has few broken bones you be-

Before Cardin could ruby pulled out her crescent rose and slashed him across the fave


Cardin fell to the ground holding the cut across his eye. He got up and shut the door and locked the door in her face.

Cardin: leave her doesn't want to see any of you alright


Jauen woke up and saw Cardin by him with bandage over his left eye asleep

Jayne:hey Cardin

He nudge him abit he woke up

Jaune: why did you help me

Cardin:because it wasn't me that released you transrcipts it was ny team but ozpin wanted to talk to you when you wake up do common let's go I'll you there alright

Jaune:thank you cardin

Cardin help thanks to jaunes aura hid wound weren't so bad just few broken ribs and cuts. They got to ozpins office

Jaune:you needed to see me sir.

Ozpin:yes your team wants to kick you off and due to the councle im am going to have kicked from beacon. Mr.ark I'm am sorry that I'm going to have to do this.

Jaune:its fine sir I'll have to just go back yo my old job

Ozpin:old job? Sorry I don't understand

Jaune:you think those transcripts were cheap 10'000 just for the cheapest.

Ozpin:oh and may I ask what this old job is?

Jaune:just mercenary work me and my father did but since he died I quit it.and thanks for giving me a chance here.

Jaune pull out a card and gave him it on the csrd it said "T.W.O or Trans world operations" with a numeber under it

Jaune: i owe you big time for it just call number ill be intouch

Cardin:sir is it okay if i go with him

Jaune:are you sure cardin

Cardin:yeah im sure

Ozpin:okay then goodluck mr.ark and mr.winchester

*thats it i hope you like the idea of this ill make the next part tommorrow or today have good day or night

elliot"jaune"salem army of two x rwbyWhere stories live. Discover now