pt 2

780 11 3

Elliot Pov. 7:50
I woke up and took a shower getting dressed

I kept my duel 44. On me and 2 axes in their folded form. I opened the door and walked out towards the cafeteria with rios following couple minutes later. I grabbed a sandwich with fries I sat down near the door with rios sitting infront of me.

Rios:so what should we do about Adam hiring us for those dust boxes that he bought from Jacques.

Elliot:am I supose to care because I don't I just want the money and this sandwhich

Rios:well tournament starts in 1 days or 2 I don't remember but should we talk to ozpin role quick

Me and rios went to ozpin after eating


Ozoin:mr ark and mr Winchester what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you today I'm about busy

Rios:well I was just wondering what should we do to blend in incase someone knows about the extra security And people knowing you hired mecernarys

Ozpin:they won't know you'll be poseing as students 2nd years to be exactly and you will be joining a squad that recently lost there leader and a teammates due to Grimm

Elliot:WHAT!? Baby sitting but whhyyy!?!?

Ozpin: the team name was known as dias or diamonds consisting of Dian forge, Irene astéri, Alexander büffel, and Saber krähe Dian and Alex were the ones killed by grimm. The Other 2 girls are expecting you two at room 43 so you should grab your armor and guns.

Elliot:fine I guess we can babysit for abit

Ozpin:good youll be know as team etis or ethisch

Rios:alright sir

Me and tyson went to grab our stuff going to the dorms looking for room 48? 43 I think

Elliot:you know which room were going to tyson

Tyson:yes this one

We arrived tyson pulled out his scroll and used it to open the door and saw 2 girls waiting for us



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elliot"jaune"salem army of two x rwbyWhere stories live. Discover now