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I ran towards the blue haired person well everyone else went to there own fight. I scanned the area and saw bits of water and eletrified platforms.

Blue hair:well hello there beautiful. Names neptune

Irene:dont care so shut it and fight.

I dashed towards him as he shot towards me as did a zig zag towards until I was hit being sent back as landed looked up towards a plat form that electrity i jumped towards and use the Energy an sent it towards him as he nearly dodged it

Neptune:woah? What was that?

He jumped towards a higher platform and shot towards me again. I got behind a platform and put an ice dust crystal in my pistol and got out of cover than shot the platform and used my sword to send an energy slash breaking it under him.


Irene:got him

Fell but manage to catch himself by turning his gun into a staff between to platforms. He got back up and looked at me before he noticed that he was above water


He jumped towards land surprisingly quickly


I hop on a moving platform above him. I looked down towards him

Irene:your scared of water weak.

He looked up trying to straighten himself

Neptune:I am not Just saw something

I loaded entire crystal and shot his feet before he can react he started slide towards the water as he tried to break the ice with his staff but he stopped at the edge. he breathed a sigh of relief

Neptune:That was close

Irene:yup but your still gonna fall in

Neptune:wait wait woah

I pushed him and pulled out my sword and electrify it stab the water shocking jim and knocking him out. I walked away hearing an explosion and mr.port saying sun wukong was, sage ayana, and neptune vailias

Saber. POV
I heard an explosion but decided to ignore it as I watched the wannabe pirate the name elliott gave him and lunged at me with his sword as I blocked with my glaive. I slashed at him as he ducked and jump away firing his flint lock. I moved out of the way as he hit a barrel filled with fire dust

Saber:what a quincidence


We were in small filled of grass as hit him a fire blast from the barrel. I walked to him as he was on the ground he used grapple hook to go up and he jump from The platform gliding towards me


I used the fire around us to hit him at the same time putting aura to red dropping like bird


I saw elliot come walk towards me was on fire

Saber:your kinda on fire Elliott?

Elliot:I know I'll have irene cool me off

As soon as he said that irene came

Irene: hi guys how was your fights!?

She said ethusiacticly

Elliot:fun and can freeze im abit on fire?

elliot"jaune"salem army of two x rwbyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora