"Yeah, I bet you look terrible in them now," Steve said sarcastically.

Emersyn snorted out her coffee at the comment. She wiped herself with a napkin and tried to focus again on the conversation. Natasha flashed her a glare, not wanting to draw attention to themselves. Steve looked at her curiously when she laughed, and when Emersyn returned the gaze, he turned away hastily.

"Going after him is a dead end, I know, I've tried," Natasha said, before raising the hard drive into their view. "Like you said he's a ghost story."

They all knew the correlation between the drive and the Winter Soldier was obvious.
"Then let's find out what the ghost wants." Steve finished as he got up from his seat.

Emersyn sipped the rest of her coffee and set it down. "I'll drive."

"No you won't," Steve interjected, sounding worried.

"What?" Emersyn teased. "You don't like my driving?"

"Not my first choice." He replied dully.

Natasha set a bill on the table and walked toward the exit saying, "I'm driving."

Steve flashed Emersyn a smirk of satisfaction while she frowned. They left the cafe and the girls sat in the front seats. Out of spite, Emersyn rolled her seat back so Steve, who was behind her, would be crammed in the car again.

"Really, Sharp?" He sighed as he moved his legs out of the way of the seat threatening to squish him.

Emersyn chuckled and Natasha hissed at her to grow up. After adjusting her seat, she felt her eyes wandering to the side mirror, where Steve's reflection showed him gazing out the window. Emersyn stared for a moment, a smile still etched on her face, not seeming to fade in the slightest. As if Steve felt her gaze, he looked at her through the side mirror and their eyes met. Surprised, Emersyn quickly looked away, but despite her attempts, she could not hide the growing smile on her lips.

The car ride was silent, but Emersyn was itching to say something so her mind would not keep resorting to thoughts about Steve. "What's the plan?" Emersyn asked casually.

Natasha glanced at her briefly before answering, "We're headed to a mall to access the drive and find out what information S.H.I.E.L.D's trying to hide."

"Don't you think people are gonna recognize us? Or at least the bulky patriot over here?" Emersyn asked with a teasing tone.

"Bulky?" Steve repeated as his brows knitted together in confusion.

"We'll have to make do," Natasha said, tossing a pair of glasses and a baseball cap to Emersyn. "I've got a hood on," she continued. "And you've gone one too, Em. We're good. Give the accessories to Steve."

Emersyn obeyed and once Rogers put on the glasses and cap, she snorted, not trying to hide her amusement in the slightest. "You look like a nerd," she snickered.

Steve gave her a blank stare and said in a serious tone, "I don't want to hear another word from you unless it has something to do with the mission."

Emersyn laughed and replied, "That's impossible."

Steve took a deep breath, trying to compose himself, and asked Natasha, "Is she always like this?"

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