She hated it with passion.

Like can't you just talk to her nicely or calmly even when things are going haywire?

"No... I...I want nothing to do with him"... Her voice was low as she spoke but her actions said otherwise.

All her life, she has been living in lies about Asad. Kamal and big boss lied to her about Asad being mean and all but Asad was nicer than Kamal.

"Please leave my room. It is late"... she quickly said in addition before he could talk.

"Iyeesah I am sorry"...Kamal instantly started regretting what he said.

'Asad won't shout at me like that'... she was comparing her fiancé to Asad now.

"Please, just go"...Aneesa said with finality in her voice.

Kamal stared at her with pleading eyes but decided not to pry.

He quietly walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

'This is all because of Asad. I shouldn't have allowed you work for him Iyeesah'... Kamal anger rose as he walked into his room.

'He always gets the good stuff, since when we were in university. The ladies, the fame , the wealth, my fiancée. He got everything he wanted at the snap of his finger'... Kamal broke the lamp in the hotel room.

'It took me 7 years to win Iyeesah's heart but it took him just a few month. Oh I promise you death dear cousin. You won't even know what hit you'... Kamal swore.


Asad woke up the following morning and prayed his morning prayer.

He then took his bath and tidied up the room and waited for Aneesa to come but she never did.

He combs his gel like hair backward to make him look neat and then orders food for two from the room service.

When it arrives, he heads to her room and knock then patiently waits for a respond he never got.

He knocks again but still nothing.

"Aneesa are you there? Is everything okay?".... He asked but no response.

Asad started becoming worried and walked in only to find Aneesa peacefully sleeping.

Relief instantly washed over Asad as he stared at her sleep.

'Is she that deep in her slumber?'... he thought as he placed the food on the mini table and sat on the bed.

Her black Afro hair was scattered all over her face and her duvet covered her whole body down to her feet.

He heaved a sigh and decided to allow her rest.

Perhaps she was tired from the traveling and driving she did yesterday.

He covered her food for her then went back to his room to eat his own food.

When he was mid way into eating his food, he heard his phone ring.

He checked the caller ID and saw his Aunt's name boldly written on it.

He swiped up and placed the phone on louder speaker.

"Good morning Aunt"... he greeted as he continued eating.

"Good morning Asad how have you been?"... she asked.

"I am fine and you?".... He was trying to have a normal conversation with her.

Talking was not always easy for him because he was not a person of many words.

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