Ch. 5

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Jade's P.O.V.

It was exhilarating driving with Aaron. I felt my hair blowing around my face and I giggled. I was still holding tightly to Aaron. It was nice knowing that he was the one I was experiencing this with. 

I wish I didn't shut down all of his flirting. I trust him a lot for only having known him for a day. He was attractive as hell, tattoos covering most of his arms and some trailing onto his chest. His chest that I couldn't keep my eyes off last night. My cheeks turned red. 

Damnit Jade.

I tried dating. I really did. I even got to the point of being comfortable telling someone what I was. He'd shown a lot of interest in vampires, talking about how it was something he wished could come true so he could "spend the rest of [his] life with me." I shuddered at the thought. I heard Aaron say something, but I couldn't make out what he was saying with the wind blowing past my ears. 

"What??" I felt him chuckle before he pulled the bike over and turned his torso to face me the best he could.

"Are you cold?" I laughed at him.

"The wind is a little harsher than I was expecting, but temperature's don't effect us the same as mortals." He smirked. I wasn't lying. We either didn't notice, or it was intense and we were super sensitive. If I was warm, it was hot. Cold was freezing. I still haven't figured out what exactly makes that switch. If it was emotion or something else.

"That wasn't what I asked." He stepped off the bike and opened the satchel attached. He pulled out a leather jacket, handing it to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you." Aaron smiled back at me.

"Now put it on. We still have a bit of driving to go." I nodded, slipping the jacket over my arms. He zipped it halfway up before getting back on the bike. "A jacket is useless if the wind blows it around like crazy." He said before driving off again. I yelped and wrapped my arms back around his waist. 

"Asshole!" I yelled, and we both started laughing. I rested my head against his back, sighing in content. 

After about an hour, we pulled up to a beautiful home. It wasn't anything massive. It was a single story home with a stone and wood exterior. I smiled as Aaron cut the engine and got off before helping me off the bike. I was still staring in awe at the house. It was a modern home, a stone pathway leading up to the front door. I followed him to the front door.

"Aaron, your home is beautiful..." He looked back at me, smiling. It was a genuine smile and it was just as stunning as his house. I smiled back at him.

"Thank you. Now c'mon, I'll give you a tour." I nodded and followed him in.

The interior was just as gorgeous as the outside. Gorgeous man with a gorgeous house. It put my little New York City apartment to shame. 

He walked me around the house, showing me the living room, the guest bathroom, and both rooms, each with their own attached bathroom. He proceeded to show me the kitchen and the laundry room. Everything was pretty much stone, marble, or wood. The walls were all a light grey. He proceeded to show me the backyard. He didn't really have neighbors. They were all a decent ways away.

"It's nice because I don't have to worry about moving as often. They all tend to keep to themselves." I nodded, admiring his backyard. He didn't really have anything back here. His house more or less looked like it was a show house. It was spotless and put together. The only thing in the backyard was a fireplace made of the same stone on the front of the house with the same stone pathway  from the front leading up to the back deck. 

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