Ch. 2

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Aaron's P.O.V.

It can't be her.  There's no possible way it's her. I thought I was the only immortal other than the bitch that turned me. But as I sit here and stare her down, I realize it absolutely is her. She's here again. 100 years later, looking just as young and beautiful as she did that night. We continue to stare each other down as the applause dies down. She makes her way off the stage stumbling a bit as her eyes are still on me.

I shoot up from my spot and move through the crowd of drunk people to go find her. My eyes focus on her hair as she makes her way to the bar and then to the stairs. As if sensing my gaze still on her she stops and looks at me.

Just like that night. When I stood there and waited for her. I jog to catch up. I don't get a word in before she's pulling me up the stairs and out of the shop. We make it out to the street and I finally get a sentence out.

"How are you here?"

She shoots me a look. I realize quickly that was probably a dumb question.

I don't know what it is about her, but I don't want her to walk away. I never bothered making connections with people. Let alone romantic connections. But it's something about her that makes my mind wander back to that night.

Damnit Aaron, get it together.

I feel her hand drop from my wrist and I look at her. She's attempting to hale a cab. Once one pulls up, she climbs in and I stare at it. I've accepted the defeat until her head pokes out of the open door.

"Get in the goddamn cab." Her voice comes out harsh yet soft. Like she's more frustrated about the fact that we didn't realize it that night than anything. I stop hesitating and hop in.

The cab begins moving and we sit in silence until we reach our destination. It's an apartment building. I'm assuming it's where she lives.

I follow her out of the cab and into the building. Our walk to the elevator and all the way up to her room is silent. Once we get into her apartment, I look around. It's a very dull theme. Blacks, grays, and whites. No color aside from the occasional "pop" of dark red.

She stares at me from the wall she's propped herself against. We sit there in silence for a few minutes before she sighs. She walks into her kitchen and into the fridge, pulling out a pitcher of red liquid. She pores two cups and goes to hand me one. I stare at it skeptically.

"I don't prey on people. That's a quick way to get discovered, even in a big city. It's deer." I nod and accept the cup. I follow her to the couch and we sit there. She finally speaks up again.

"So you're an immortal too then?" She's staring at me, quizzically. I nod slowly.

"I suppose so. I never really put a name to it." I laugh. "The term 'vampire' floats around a lot in modern day television. From Twilight to Vampire Diaries. But I've always found those to be ridiculous. Super speed? I wish. It'd make traveling so often significantly easier."

A small smile crosses her face and she giggles a bit. "Other than super hearing and persuasion, most of them aren't that accurate. Burning in the sun? Garlic allergies? I can't imagine living in a world I can't eat garlic bread in."

After laughing for a bit, I speak up. "Y'know, I still don't know your name." I watch as a blush creeps up her neck.

"I'm so sorry. My name is Jade." I smile. It's a pretty name.

"I'm Aaron." I can visibly see her relax.

We fall into a slightly more comfortable silence for a bit. She's the only other person I've encountered that's like me. And I'm assuming it goes the same for her considering her lack of roommates and talk of anyone else.

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