Ch. 1

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February 5th, 2023
New York

Jade's P.O.V.
To be back in New York after so long has never felt weirder. Watching the world change and adapt has been amazing to witness. People fighting for what they believe in. For what they want. And to be back in New York, experiencing just how much it's changed over the past 100 years is strange to me. Watching all of the cars zoom by. The people walking the streets. It's full of life.
I watch out the window of my taxi as the snow falls to the ground, watching it vanish as car after car drives over it on the street. The taxi begins driving down a familiar street and my breath catches as I spot a place I am all too familiar with. I ask the taxi driver to stop. I make my payment and step onto the street, staring at the sign.
"Old Speakeasy refurbished and open!"
It couldn't be the same location could it? I suppose most people in modern days don't know or care about what happened in that spot. I walk into the shop that's now been turned into a vintage shop. I look around and notice that all of the items are themes around the 20's. A lot of it, I notice, having come from the speakeasy itself. The dresses I see having sat on the rack that had been in the back. I run my hands along the dresses, remembering when Katherine had me search through them before forcing me onto the stage. The headpieces that were there to match sat nicely on a shelf. I'm amazed at how well they were kept. They look almost brand new, most of the jewels and glitter still shining under the lights they've been placed under. I make my way to the back of the store and walk down the all too familiar staircase. It's lined with records now, all songs I recognize from the 20's. I spot one record in specific:
Marion Harris
I Ain't Got Nobody
I smile at the memories I've attached to that song. I remember that man. That night as a whole. He seemed unphased by the death that surrounded us. I almost thought I found someone like me. But I never saw him after that. I never even got his name. He was an interesting character. I sigh softly as I make my way down the rest of the stairs.
I get into the bar and look around. It's heavily themed after the 20's, but more like a The Great Gatsby, flashy kinda 20's. I stare at the stage and smile a bit. That night reminded me of how much I love singing. I would've made a career out of it if I were under different circumstances. I make my way to the bar and sit down. The bartender approaches me.
"What can I get ya, gorgeous."
I give him my drink order and he makes it. I take a drink and smile. I hum along to the music playing over the speakers. There's a lot of heartbreak songs playing, and I can't help but produce a soft grin. I've always been a hopeless romantic, which really is tragic for someone who can't just marry and settle down. I attempt to avoid finding love as to help shield myself from heartbreak. The few men and women I have been with don't compare. Not to him. I begin to notice that the bar is having a themed night. Which makes the music choice make a lot more sense...
"The Speakeasy is proud to present Bitter Single's night. Match the bitterness of your heart with the bitterness of our special drink!"
I roll my eyes. I've never seen something more cheesy. I then read the small print just under the main statement.
"Heartbreak karaoke begins at 8 P.M."
I laugh slightly and stand up, going to sign up. I've grown to love singing. Karaoke nights are some of my favorites, especially in big cities like New York. I don't have to worry about seeing anyone again because it's so large, and by the time I leave and come back, no one that's here now will be alive. I take my place and check my watch. It's 7:50 so I have about 10 minutes until everything starts. I run through the song choices in my head, thinking of any and every song that I've fallen in love with. One comes to mind. I take note of it in my phone so I can remember to tell the DJ.
And then it begins. Person after person goes up, singing drunkenly. A few people fall off the stage, A few pass out before even making it up to the stage itself. I always forget how low the human tolerance is for alcohol. I can't remember the last time I drank that much. Eventually it's my turn. I head over to the DJ and tell him my song choice. I walk onto the stage and become all to aware of the eyes staring at me. I forget it's below freezing and I'm wearing a short black dress. It reminds me of the last time I sang here.
I hear Glitter in the Air by P!nk kick on as I take my seat on the stool. I close my eyes as I begin singing.
"Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands...?"
The nerves slowly dissipate as I get lost in the song.
"Close your eyes and trust it, just trust it."
My eyes open and I look towards the ceiling, a small smile crossing my face.
"Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?
Have you ever looked fear in the face
And said I just don't care?"
The crowd is silent as I sing. This would be usual in any other setting, but they clapped and cheered during everyone's performance. I begin to wonder if my voice isn't as good as I was led to believe. I continue anyway through the chorus. I'm not being booed off the stage so it can't be that bad. I take a deep breath.
"And it's only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg.
The sun before the burn.
The thunder before the lightning
Breath before the phrase."
I take a pause as I remember the last time I sang here. I look out to that booth, where he sat. And my breath hitches. It couldn't be. He's staring back at me with what I'm assuming is the same expression I'm wearing. Confusion.
"Have you ever felt this way?"
I continue through the song, hardly breaking the eye contact. It's as if I'm trying to tell my brain that he's not real. I'm just hallucinating. That there's no way the same man I met 100 years ago is sitting in the same spot he was. Watching me sing yet again. The song begins to come to an end.
"Have you ever wished for an endless night?"
I remember the night we had as we fled from this place. Hand in hand.
"Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight"
I remember staring up at the sky as we adventured the city.
"Have you ever...held your breath and asked yourself,
Will it ever get better than tonight....?"
Maybe the man settled down. Found love. And had a son that looks exactly like him. Who then had a son that looked exactly like him.
The song fades out and I hear an erupt of applause from everyone in front of me. But they're not who I'm concerned about. I created this excuse in my head about this man I'm staring at. But by the look on his face, I don't think my story is right. Because he seems to be reliving that same night.

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