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Miniera: by Hannah Dean

Dedicated to my family. Always there for me. This would never have been possible without you.

"The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything..." -Friedrich Nietzsche

PROLOGUE: "Ready?" asked the big burly man in the front seat. Nicholas looked to him with a scowl as he took another drag of his cigarette. "Yes, stronzo." He hissed as he inhaled one last time before dropping it on the ground and squishing it with a big black boot. He ran a hand through his thick dark hair and sighed before he reached into his gun holster and pulled out his nine-millimeter, caressing the cold steel of the handle before they began making their way forward.

The building was run down to say the least.

Homeless people lay on the side of the building in an alley a few feet away and Nicholas had to hold back a gag as the smell of urine and vomit reached him. They pressed the buzzer and waited until the door was buzzed open.

Where they really that stupid?

They hadn't even looked to see who it was. He let out a humorless chuckle as he followed the other men up the dirty stairs until they came to an old wooden door. Nicholas lifted up a hand and pounded on the door, not caring if anyone heard.

Not that they would.

Everyone in this building was probably so strung out they didn't bother to care. Probably thought they were the police. He snorted at that. Loud moans sounded from behind the door and the blare of a TV. Impatient, Nicholas finally waved the men back, brought up a booted foot and kicked the door in to find a man on top of a woman.

They were both naked and the woman let out a screech as the man toppled off of her. She tried to cover herself with a blanket as the man got to his feet, naked as the day he was born. Nicholas and his men stepped in.

He gestured to the others to control the man fumbling with his jeans, desperate for an escape. Nicholas merely grinned at the thought of anyone escaping them. He walked up to the trembling woman on the couch.

Her makeup was smeared, old black mascara running down her cheeks.

It only made the wrinkles that lined her face that much more prominent.  She crawled away in an attempt to escape but Nicholas just chuckled and grabbed her by her ankle. He slammed her against the wall and held a gun to her temple.

This close he could smell the alcohol on her breath and by the way her eyes were red and glossy he figured she was as high as a kite.

"You owe us, Ms. Brown." He whispered in a deceivingly calm voice.

She trembled and thrashed under his tight grip.

"I know! I know! I promised I would get the money!" she said with fear.

He smirked, bitter and cold.

"You said that two months ago. We've waited long enough. You owe us...NOW." He growled and she shrunk back.

"I-I-I don't have the money!" she stuttered between sobs and his eyes narrowed.

"You better think of some way to pay us back then." He snarled in her face.

She flinched and her eyes darted back and forth as she thought when suddenly her eyes cleared, but held sadness.

She straightened her shoulders.

"I heard you guys talking about how the-the don needs a wife to carry his heirs. My daughter. She would be p-perfect. Please take her. Let her be his wife." Nicholas was about to say no, when he thought about it.

His don did need a new wife, someone to carry his heir(s). He looked back to the trembling woman in his grasp.

"Show me a picture of your daughter." He said and dropped her to the floor.

She clutched the blanket tighter to herself as she stood and stumbled over to a small nightstand at the corner of the room, just beneath a small TV that was playing 'Desperate Housewives'.

With a shaking hand she reached in and pulled out a small photo before slowly making her way back to Nicholas. Impatient, Nicholas shot his hand out and took the photo from her. The woman let out a sob, but hid it behind her hand.

He looked down at the photo and was surprised by the woman smiling up at him. She had long light brown hair that flowed down her back in soft waves, emerald green eyes sparkled in the light of the picture, and a pearly set of white teeth glinted at him behind pink plump lips.

Oh, she would do.

The don would be beyond satisfied with this beauty. He looked up at the sobbing woman with a sinister smile.

"What is her name?" he asked.

She hiccupped on a cry.

"N-Natalie." She whispered, as if in reverence.

He smiled down at the photo and tucked it into his back pocket.

"We have a deal, Ms. Brown." He said and gestured for the naked man to be dropped to the floor. They walked to the door and just before Nicholas left he turned back to the naked, crying woman who had just given up her daughter, a disgusted sneer on his face.

"Sorry about the door. A word of advice? Don't make deals with the mafia anymore." He said and with that he left the door broken on its hinges and the sobbing poor excuse for a mother behind, with the photo of the smiling girl burning a hole in his pocket.

He knew what he needed to do. He knew what he was going to do and he knew his boss would be happy.

This was just the beginning...


This is only my third book I've ever written. I hope you like it!! Vote. comment and all that jazz! ;) xx

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