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Dice always loved rain, but absolutely hated thunderstorms. They scared him... In the past, every time there was a storm, he always hid until it was over; But people always made fun of him for it, so he just learned to suffer.

Devil, on the other hand, although he liked rain, he loved thunderstorms. As he describes, it's "The Angels going on a rampage", which makes him happy to think about.


[Narrator's POV]

Devil was just walking around the Casino, but noticed that Dice was no where to be found.

"Where is he... There is a thunderstorm going on right now, but normally he just continues working" Lucifer thought to himself. As he walked past Dice's room, he heard...whimpering? He quickly opened the door and went inside.

There The Die was, curled up in a ball in the corner, scared.

"King?.." The Furball Said as he walked over to Dice and sat down next to him.

"T-T-Too L-L-Loud..." Dice Said, tears rolling down his face.

"Hey..Relax.. It'll be over soon.." Lucifer Said as he wiped the tears off of Dice's cheek.

Dice just hugged his partner.

"Shh..It's okay.. The thunder will stop soon enough.." Lucifer Said as he rubbed Dice's back. Soon enough, Dice let go of Lucifer.

It was quiet for a bit, before Dice spoke.

"I-I'm S-S-Sorry.." Dice mumbled.

"Sorry for what, doll?.." Lucifer Asked; After all, Dice had nothing to be sorry for.

"F-For being s-sc-scared for such a st-stupid reason.." Dice Said Quietly.

"Honey..Everyone is scared of something, this is just one of the things you're afraid of.. That's nothing to be sorry about.." Lucifer Said.

"You're one to talk..." Dice Mumbled, "You're the devil! You're not scared of anything!.." He Added

"Baby..Sweetie.. Even I'm scared of something.." Lucifer Said.

"And what would that be.." Dice mumbled.

"When those..stupid cup brothers..defeated us, I wasn't scared..I was terrified; I was terrified of losing you..and I know what I called you, and I'm so, so sorry...I was just so angry, and I wasn't thinking straight.." Lucifer Said. Dice just nodded.

A moment passed, before lightning struck again, along with a loud BOOM.

Dice flinched at the sound; His eyes were filled with fear.

"HeyHeyHey!.." Devil Said, getting Dice to look at him.

"Calm Down..Everythings okay..." Lucifer Added, and continued to comfort his lover.

Eventually, Dice calmed down.

"Better?.." The Demon Asked. Dice Nodded.

"Okay..Good" Lucifer Said.

Roughly 10-15 minutes later, the storm was over.

"See? I told you it would be over soon" Lucifer Said.

"I'm just glad it's finally over" Dice Mumbled. He and the Devil got up, and Dice dusted himself off, and they both went back to work.

Yes, the rest of the staff made fun of Dice for being scared of a thunderstorm, but they were clearly joking, and Dice just laughed along with them.

Word Count: 442

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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