A changed Woman (Nats Pov)

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Sum: You're a loner and always on your phone.  Natasha is the type of person who doesn't care if she's single or not. She hasn't been in a relationship for years, just because she never looked for anyone.

My friends and I were at the lunch table. We were laughing and talking.
Well, they were, I was staring at y/n. She was alone again. She does have friends, but she only really texts them. She's always texting someone. She also keeps getting in trouble in class: texting, attitude, or sleeping.

I haven't really talked to her yet. She never even looked at me. All my friends know that I like her. I'm just thankful they never told her. They all joke and tease about it, but I can't help it. She's so pretty.

She's sitting alone on her phone. Texting away. I wonder who she's texting. If she doesn't talk to anyone, then she wouldn't be texting friends or a partner. Right?

My friend keeps trying to get me to talk to her, but I mean, there's a reason she doesn't talk to anyone. So, how am I going to start talking to her anyway. I have almost every class with her. There's only one class we don't have with each other. So, obviously, I have the opportunity to, but where do I start. I can't ask about homework. She'll think I'm going to use her for it. I can't ask about her texting because that's just weird.

The lunch bell rings, and everyone is walking very slowly out of the cafeteria doors and back to their classrooms. We still have a few classes left, and that was just 2nd lunch.

For the rest of the class, I kept looking at her. I couldn't help it, I would try to focus back on the notes, but I couldn't help but move my eyes towards her. I don't even know how long it was, but the bell rang. Two more classes of the long day. I get to the next class before y/n. As usual, and I get out my psychology notebook, I look towards the door for her. Yeah, I've definitely fallen hard. There's always an empty seat next to me, and sometimes, I just wish she would sit next to me. She typically isn't here till almost all everyone else is here. But a new girl walks in and sits in her seat. That makes me mad, though. This random girl is sitting in y/n's seat! I kept looking towards the door, and finally, she walked in. She looks over at her desk and looks confused. She walked back out of the class, and a second later, the teacher poked her head into the class and pointed towards me.

I quickly look away. She comes and sits next to me. I look at her and can't stop. Just look away! She then looks at me.

Y: Sorry, someone's sitting in my seat.

Ok, just play it cool.

N: It's ok

Nice. The first words I say to her were that. She gets back on her phone and starts typing away. I peek over and see the contact. Yelana. No way. It's got to be a coincidence. My sister Yelena? I question till, I see the 🐕 from Yelena, and that confirms it. So she's friends with my sister. But my sister is two years younger than me. How are they friends?


The rest of the day went by slow. That class didn't, though. Me and y/n ended up talking:

Y/n: Do you have a pencil I can borrow?

N: I have a pen. Is that ok?

Y: Yes, thank you.

After a while of class, she gave the pen back

Y: Hey, where'd you get that pen? It's really smooth.

N: Oh, Hobby Lobby

Y: I love Hobby Lobby. They have all the good art stuff there.

N: I love their art stuff!

Y: You're in my art class, right?

N: Yeah, I sit at the group next to you. What are you doing for your project?

Y: I'm doing a bunch of flowers. What about you?

That started the whole conversation. Maybe not friends level, but I can say hi to her in another class and talk. This is progress. Slow progress, but progress.


I drove me and Yelena home. She threw her bag and jumped onto the couch. I wanted to ask her and y/n, but she would've teased me about it. Melana and Alexi were in the kitchen making dinner together. I decided to go to my room and do homework. I tried to start, but I couldn't stop thinking about how Yelena knows y/n.


After about an hour and a half of staring at the worksheet, Melana called me to dinner. We all sat down and started eating in silence. As everyone finished, Melana had an announcement.

M: So, me and your dad-

Lena: He's not our dad

M: Fine, me and Alexi have to go on a work trip for a week. You may have a few friends over. Nothing big, no party, and keep the house clean. Understood?

N & Lena: Yes, ma'am.

M: Good. Now eat!

The next day after school:

It's finally the weekend. Me and y/n talked a little today. Yelana and I talked about having some friends over, well, we both are going to invite one. Melana got a ring doorbell for both the front and back door, so there's no point in inviting more people. We were just going to chill and probably watch a movie.


The doorbell rings, and I open the door. Boom y/n right there. I was surprised, and it seemed she was too. She smiled and had a little shine in her eyes.

Y: Hey Natasha. I didn't know you lived here. Yelana invited me over.

N: come on in.

She thanked me and walked in. Now, I was waiting for Carol. But I kind of forgot about her. I quickly ran to my room. I need to get ready. I quickly fix my hair a little and spray my perfume once for a sudden scent. I then check my phone and see a text from Carol saying she couldn't make it because Maria (her gf) started her period and needed her. It doesn't bother me much because y/n was here. Yelena was the only problem now.

I walked back downstairs and told them about Carol. Lena laughed at the fact that I'm not having a friend over, but y/n just shrugged.

We got all the snacks and candy, then it was time to choose the movie. Yelena wanted to watch The Leprechaun. Well, she knows that y/n doesn't like scary movies, and I don't like scary movies about a short green man running around. I've watched thousands of horror and thrillers, but The Leprechaun was crossing a line. She knew that. Both me and y/n looked at each other in terror.

Lena: Hahaha, I am just joking. You should've seen the look on both of your faces. So, how about... Miracle?

Y/n: I've never seen it.

N: Really, you're Russian. Why Miracle?!

Lena: Because I know you hate.

Y: Wait, you're both Russian!?

Lena: We both are, but not blood related. We're adopted.

N: I got it! How about Wednesday? We can either binge the whole show, or we can spread it out in the span of about a week.

Y: I'm good with that

Lena: Same.


After about two hours, we finished the second episode. I look over, and Lena is out cold. Y/n is blinking, trying to stay awake, but failing. I don't know what came over me, but I pull over to me and put her head on my chest. At first, she tenses, but then she relaxes. Within seconds, she's asleep.


That started a lot of things to change. Me and y/n hung out a lot more without Lena being there. Of course, she was there sometimes, but it was fine. At school, my friends would tease me about liking someone and talking about how it was out of my character. I guess they say, "I'm a changed woman"

Don't worry, I didn't forget about y'all. Actually, I had and still have a lot of things going on. The stress is eating me alive, but what's life without curveballs ig. So, I have to focus on senior pictures, the ACT, summer reading, and driving, and I need to get a job soon, change my schedule at school, babysitting and my cats not doing great. But on the plus side, it's finally summer break, so hopefully, I'll write more. 🤞 anywayyyyyyyys have a good day/night. And see y'all in the next one-shot

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