The Heist

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A week later, when everyone had passed the information they gathered to Kaz and he devised a plan, he called a meeting in the dining room. Once everyone had gotten there, he explained the plan.

"Okay, so the bunker has 6 floors. The first 3 are above ground, but the next 3 are hidden underground. The bomb is located on the bottom floor of the building. It is heavily guarded by many of Campez's men. So, we have to be careful. If they notice us, every one of them will come to kill us." Kaz described. Matthias raised a hand.

"Uh... so why is this bomb so special anyway?" He asked Kaz.

"It's a bomb that can take a Grisha's powers in a single blow." Everyone looked at him with faces full of shock.

"There's no way that's real," Nina said in disbelief.

"It is. It contains a new powder that paralyzes Grisha's arms, making them unable to use their abilities."

Wylan looks hesitant. "I don't know Boss... what if this Kaneu guy plans to use it for something really bad?" He questions.

"Then that's none of our business. Need I remind you how much this job pays?" Kaz looks around at each of them and they all fall silent.

"Let's do it then. What's the plan?" Inej asks and looks him straight in his sparkling blue eyes. Something strange makes it's way around Kaz's armored heart every time she looks at him, but he pushes that feeling down quickly and gets back to the topic at hand.

"Jesper and Matthias will silently take out the front guards at the entrance and take their uniforms. Then, they will make their way inside to keep watch on who enters the bottom floors, so that too many men aren't down there. Next, Wylan will use his silent bombs to help Nina and I take out the guards on our way down to the room. Inej will make her way to the bottom floor before us and kill the guards down there quickly so that we have more time. The four of us will meet down there and get the bomb together. As we're doing this, Jesper and Matthias will get a carriage ready so we can escape quickly. Does everyone understand?"

Everyone nods. "No mourners," Inej begins.

"No funerals." Everyone finishes.


When they got there, they began to execute the plan. Jesper and Matthias took the front guards uniforms and let the others into the building with a silent nod. Then the four made their way down the stairs to the first bottom level, where Inej went on ahead.

"There's 3 guards in the next hallway." Nina accounts, using her ability to hear their heartbeats. Kaz nods in the men's direction and Wylan rolls a small round item into the midst of them. The ball releases a silent gas that causes the guards to keel over and cover their eyes and ears. Then Kaz and Nina finish them off without another sound.

They continue with that pattern till they reach the next floor. So far, so good.


Jesper and Matthias are standing guard on the first (aboveground) floor of the building.

"Hey, you know what's weird? We're like, alive. Like we're living human beings in a galaxy full of who the fuck knows what- isn't that crazy to think about?" Jesper wonders aloud while swinging his silver pistols around, attempting to break the awkward silence between them. Matthias just looks at him with an unamused death stare. "Okay then..."

"Don't you think this is a little too easy? 60,000 Kruge, just for some little heist. There weren't even that many guards here. It... it feels like a trap." Matthias worries, brow furrowed. Jesper returns the look and says nothing.


Kaz, Nina, and Wylan were flying through the floors easily. They were barely even wounded, only with the occasional bruise or cut from an enemy. Kaz suspected it was too easy, but he figured he should take advantage of the easy job instead of looking for some other thing that could go wrong. Once they got to the bottom floor, there were a lot more guards. He found Inej fighting off 3 guys at once, and immediately rushed in to aid her with no second thoughts.

"Hello Inej," he said simply as he smashed a guy's head in with his sharp cane.

"Hello Kaz," she responded with a smirk as she knifed a guy who was about to tackle Kaz. Together they fought while Nina and Wylan took out the others. They were making more noise than he had hoped, but luckily there were no others on this floor.

Finally, once all of them had been defeated, Kaz lightly brushed up against Inej on his way to the final room, a small sign of thanks for helping with this heist. She smiled at him as he walked ahead, acknowledging the fact that he's grown by just being able to do that.

Wylan put a strange device on the door and said, "Cover your eyes." They did and when they opened them, a large hole was completely melted in the heavily locked door. Kaz stepped through first and walked towards the center of the room. The bomb was exactly like the picture: a small, cylindrical device the size of a can. It was black, and encased in a glass box on top of a pedestal.

He took a deep breath and smashed the case with a singular swing of his cane. He grabbed the bomb, but something wasn't right. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he turned around. A man burst in through the open door.

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