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Inej takes a deep breath. A breath full of familiar Ketterdam air. Stepping off of the boat and onto the hard, weary wood of Fifth Harbor, she sighs. Her family is back in Ravka, but part of her family is still here, and so is her heart. She slowly walks through the winding alleyways, her feet feeling at home on the cold cobblestone streets. After all this time, she still remembers her way through the entire city. Though she prefers gliding over rooftops quietly, her time in Ravka has taught her to appreciate life from below too.

They had written her the address of their new home over letter, and she easily finds it. The mansion located in the depths of the Barrel used to be some quiet, rich man's home, but since then he had died and now the Crows reside in it's walls. The Slat is still better than ever, as is the newly built Crow Club, but the 5 thieves decided to share a home together as well. She comes up to the black gate and takes a deep breath. Kaz is here. She hasn't seen him since she told him that she could only love him if he fully loved her, without any defenses. She wonders if he is ready now. But she understands his trouble with feelings, and she will wait patiently for him.

She opens the gate and walks up the stone steps. Hesitantly, she knocks on the large, black door.
She hears people arguing inside, and smiles. A moment later, the door opens and a woman with an elegant red dress on answers the door.
"INEJ!!!" Nina squeals as she hugs her tightly. Saints, that girl can squish organs without heartrending. Inej thinks to herself. Next is Jesper, who comes running in with Wylan on his tail, and they almost knock her over with an aggressive hug. Matthias stands at the back and nods with a smile, and she returns the gesture.

Everyone goes silent as the last Crow limps to the doorway. Kaz Brekker and Inej Ghafa look at each other. Then Kaz slowly stretches out his arms and walks towards her. She gently puts her hand on his arm, and then pulls him into a soft hug. She is shocked. He doesn't flinch when she touches him, and he welcomed the embrace. In fact, their hug was the longest, and when they finally pull away, Kaz Brekker, Dirty Hands, the Bastard of the Barrel, smiles. It's not much, but it's a happy smile, and that's what matters to Inej.

Together, the Six of Crows walk into the building, chatting and battering her with questions about her journeys. She laughs and tells them all about how they traveled over seas on her ship "The Wraith" for a month and continued helping to save people from slavers. And how she spent many months just recovering lost time with her parents.

"Wow... they sound so lovely, Inej. I can't wait to meet them!" Wylan exclaims.

"Yeah, but frankly I'm still a little salty that they stole the heart of our group away from us," Jesper remarks sarcastically.

True," responds Nina.

Inej smiles and explains, "I know, but I had to. They're my family just as much as you lot are. But what's been going on around here?"

"Not much, the usual murder, heist, arguments. But..." Kaz pauses. "It hasn't been the same without you." Everyone goes silent. Kaz turns and walks away without a single word. Nina nods once he's gone, signaling Inej to go talk to him. She takes a deep breath, and silently walks down the hallway after him.

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