6: A Phone That's Not a Phone

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Later that night, the two parted ways to try and find the people who followed the ambulance there. Jack went off to get a higher view, making his way into the tall building beside his ship. Y/n was pretty sure he managed to get in by flirting with the men in there the month prior. She chose the ground route, exploring amongst the people. And what better way to learn about people than going into a local bar?

She walked in and found a seat at the bar, nodding her head along with the woman singing on stage. The bartender walked over and gave her a smile, asking what she wanted. Y/n ordered some random drink she hardly bothered to remember the name of (she chose the first thing she saw) and turned so her back was to the bar. She scanned the room for anyone who looked out of place or unusual, secretly hoping that whatever time jumping ship followed them had a captain who didn't care enough to change before leaving.

Her hopes came true, because right as the bartender handed her the drink, a peculiar man in a leather jacket walked in and onto the stage. Unfortunately, however, that man was once again the Doctor. A small part of her recalled that Jack was too early in his own timeline to have met him yet, and she slightly wanted to see him scam the Time Lord. She had a suspicion that's not how it would go, though.

"Excuse me!"

There was feedback as the whole bar went silent. Y/n sighed and sipped her drink, smiling at the bartender when she saw him looking.

"Yes! Hello! Um, I'm looking for something. Would've fallen from the sky—crashed right in the middle of London. Anyone seen–"

The crowd interrupted him with laughter.

"–...something like that? Huh? Has- Why are you all laughing? Has anyone seen–"

An air raid siren blared out suddenly and cut the Doctor off mid question. The people in the bar all started making their way out, ignoring as he tried asking more questions. He trailed off as he finally noticed a poster on the wall, letting out a small "oh." Y/n sipped her drink again. He looked a bit stupid, she thought, and secretly enjoyed it. She briefly thought to take a mental photo. He finally looked around the now empty room and noticed her.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?"

"There was a code mauve," she said, not really lying (though she wouldn't feel bad if she did), "Why wouldn't I be here?"

The Doctor opened his mouth but shit it again, contemplating his next sentence. She sipped a bit more. He looked over her briefly. "That's not your coat."

"So it isn't."

That topic really brought them nowhere, so they basked in the strange silence for a moment. Y/n finished her drink and stood up, walking toward the door. The Doctor followed her instinctively. "Where are you headed?" he asked, looking around at the bar before they left. She didn't care enough to answer. He was not an expected surprise. Most certainly not a welcome one, either.

They stepped out of the bar and the Doctor glanced over to where he had left Rose. She... wasn't there. She wasn't anywhere in sight. He rushed over to his TARDIS, opening the doors and looking inside. "Rose? Rose!"

"Did you... leave her out here? During the Blitz, and you left her outside?"

"I didn't realise it was the war!"

"Doesn't matter," Y/n said, eyes wide, "If you're somewhere you don't know the time of, even on Earth, it's stupid to leave a friend unattended."

"Yeah, well, I know that now!"

The woman opened her mouth to speak again, already working on some snarky or sarcastic comment, but she got interrupted. The phone in the police box started ringing, which alarmed both Y/n and the Doctor. She knew that a TARDIS shouldn't be able to function like that, and he knew that the phone wasn't even connected to anything. He opened the little compartment and studied the phone suspiciously, reaching to grab it.

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