-chapter thirty one-

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A thing I realized for an hour or two is now that leaving a woman on the cold floor with hands tied behind was very cliche and so ungentleman.

Kidnappers should know that by now. It was 21st century and year 2023 for God's sake.

I sigh escaped through my dry lips as my lazy hands tried to work on undoing the knots of the rope that was piercing through my skin. Darkness had surrounded the room without any ventilation because I couldn't breathe.

"Can anyone hear me?" I shouted and was greeted with nothing but silence.

I worked on the knots with more energy as I tried again for someone to hear me. Anyone. "Please... it's cold on the floor."

Tanveer, that dick is the reason I have to go under this.

"Does it look like you are in a position to make demands?" I shrieked under the coldness as the feminine voice came through the darkness.

"I did nothing to you... please let me go!" I said even when I knew that the effort was useless.

A humourless laugh escaped from her throat. "You are the reason for all this shit and you have the fucking audacity to say you did nothing, you bitch."

My head was suddenly yanked behind forcefully while from the corner, I heard a switching for light and my eyes meet with brown ones of the girl standing in front of me.

"Gabby," I muttered as she looked at me with nothing but rage.

"Shut up!" She spat.

She wasn't the Gabby I had met in villa. The doe eyes that held innocence and timidity was replaced by something feral. Something that told me was that she hated me.

Out of the people in my life, I hadn't expected Gabby to be the one to hate me and what was funny was I didn't even knew the reason behind the hatred.

"She is important to us, baby. She is like a rose... to delicate." A voice says as I saw the man entering the room with a smirk on his face and a rod In his hand that made a creeping sound when it stretched with the floor.

"Tanveer, I thought you were my friend," I drawled out as the smirk dropped from his face.

"You thought wrong, darling." Tanveer winked at me as I saw Gabby's nose flaring in rage.

"Are you flirting with this bitch here?" she spat while clutching my hair painfully in between her fingers and I hissed out in pain as my heart hurt. Tanveer yanked a chair in front of me and took a seat.

"I have only eyes for you, baby."

That's cute.

"Then stop calling her darling. It is me who has done everything for you," she rasped out and I saw his eyes soften for a while.

"Leave my hair," I said, cutting the attention back on me.

"What?" She said with a humorless smile.

"Leave my hair. I don't use a fortune of a jasmine shampoo for some mannerless double-faced bitch to dirty it," I repeated as it seemed to have an effect on Gabby has she slapped me. Hard enough for me taste the own metallic taste of my blood.

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