That night

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It was night, and pretty late at that. Kenny had left ages ago. I reached into the edge of my bed as I lay, exhausted. It's fun spending time with him, but it's like I get too excited around him. To the point I might explode. My hand scrambled to and from until I felt something soft against my fingertips. I grasped at the hello kitty plushie, dragging it higher as I turned the other direction. Grandma got it for me, I'm pretty sure it was given to make fun of me, but I love it regardless. At night, it's hard to sleep, my brain keeps on going and going. Usually it's about hello kitty, or something else I'm interested in, but today it was different.

Today, all I could think about was Kenny. That wasn't usual, I liked what I normally think about. But, all that was there was.. Him. I liked how his hair was soft, even if he could barely wash it. I liked how sometimes when he eats, he gets a little bit of sauce on his cheek. I liked how his nose crinkles when he smiles. I liked his slight smile lines because all he does is laugh. I felt like my stomach was erupting, a lot. Like there was a zoo in my tummy. I wasn't sure if i liked it or not, i mean, it kind of felt happy. I didn't like it. I don't like this feeling. It's not normal, I don't want to feel this. My hands fluttered at the thought of him, they moved without me telling them too as I chuckled to myself. They don't usually do that. Last time that happened was when Dad let me go to the opening of the hello kitty café. I've never felt this way, should i? I squeezed hello kitty tighter, as if that would banish any feelings I could possibly have. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. In and out. In




I sat in the fields. The flowers blossomed and they danced melodiously to the wind's chime. They shone in the sun, a few droplets of the previous rain had marched around the petals as the breeze instructed them so. The butterflies rested on his back, they formed a heart on his parka, the wings patterned delicately. He shook them off as they tickled his posterior. The teal-jumper wearing boy stepped forward. His smile shone brighter than the suns combined. If his eyes were to replace the sun, the earth would stay bright. And if his eyes were the stars, oh how I'd become an astronomer to study them, as long as it's an excuse to peer into them forever. And if I had a flower for every time I thought of him, and fantasised and dreamed, my garden would be endless. The butterflies leapt from my back and into my heart, where they always were. I've had a crush on him for a while, it was no surprise. But he only thinks of me as his best friend, and if that's the most ill get to spend time with him, then i'll be the best friend. I'll be there for him.

"Kenny.?" he sang, anything he said sounded melodious, sounded beautiful.

"Mphh?" I pretended to act like I was busy, as I plucked the petals from a flower nearby.

"I.. I have something to tell you."

"What is it.?" I felt hope. Like maybe this was my change, how I prayed it was.

"..kenny.? KENNY!"

Of course that happens. The soil underneath me grew solid and dense. It pierced through my chest, the pain was worse though. It wasn't like this, usually there was an emotional connection to what I felt. I hated it. The grass and vines imprisoned my legs as I knelt. There was no point trying to escape anyway. Blood barrelled from my body as the soil turned to normal and the vines left me. Slowly, butterflies rested on my lifeless body, as Leo stood over my dead body. He looked traumatised, as usual. Closing my eyes, I watched everything evaporate.

I woke up in my bed. It was still night, meaning all of that was a dream. It's getting harder to differentiate dreams from reality.

I look at the moon, looking out the window...

A butterfly.

What a strange coincidence.

I guess this is my cue to start patrolling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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