Episode 3: Frighty Med

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It's been two weeks since I had my powers and learning about Mighty Med and all I got to say is that it's been stressful, I've been late to class more than usual, I've never get most homework done and it's been really stressful, I don't know how heros handle this, right now I'm taking care of some criminals as I web them up and hang them on a street light.

Spider-Man: (clean my hands) okay guys, that was a good run hope to do this again, not really. (Check my fake watch) anyway I gotta go, next time don't try breaking in to a place that Spider-man protects, it's a very dumb common thing.

I swing away up goes to meet up with kaz and Oliver at the comic store, speaking of Kaz and Oliver, all of our parents have been questioning about where we be going after school besides going to the comic store, Me I told my parents that I'm doing a Computer club, Kaz told his parents that doing a after school program I'm sure his parents aren't going to care, Oliver still has to come up with a lie but his dad is always on him plus he don't like him hanging out with Kaz for many reasons which are true. But I make it to the comic store and I land on the roof, I keep a bag up here to change clothes and it's easier not to get caught. As I change I used the fire escape to get down and landed and check to see if anyone saw and I was in the clear. As I get to the front of the store I see Kaz and Oliver were inside playing a games and I entered the store.

Kai: Hey there bros.

Oliver: Hey dude.

Kaz: hey spider bro.

Kai: (annoyed) Dude how many times have I told you not to call me that, especially with me doing my... other life.

Kaz: can you relax, it's not like people believe me, I lie about everything so it doesn't matter.

Kai: whatever, who's got next?

Oliver: Kaz, got next, after him you can go.

Kai: sounds good. (I take my book out of my bag and starts to draw an new suit idea)

Oliver: Man, I'm getting really good at this, I should become a demon hunter in real life, that or a high school teacher.

Kaz: go with the demon hunter, they deal with fear of demons.

Kai: unless that demon is someone from hell, I'm all good here.

Oliver: (Oliv pass the controller to kaz and gets a text from his dad) oh no, it's my dad, he keeps asking me where i go after school everyday and I can't tell him about my job.

Kai: (looks and see Kaz with a stupid mask on) really kaz?

Kaz: what? Do I have something on my face?

Oliver: (kaz takes off the mask) this is serious, what am I gonna tell my dad?

Kaz: just tell your dad that you are hanging out here.

Oliver: he doesn't want me coming here, he thinks that superheroes stuff is a waste of time.

Kaz: oh like what he does is important.

Kai: he's a brain trauma researcher.

Kaz: just say that you hanging out at my house.

Oliver: I can't, he also doesn't want me hanging out with you unless Kai is around, he thinks you're reckless, out of control and never take responsibility for actions.

Kai: which all of those things are true.

Kaz: one time you go home with half of your head shave and suddenly I'm reckless? And I take responsibility for my actions.

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