💙Struggling to open soda can for S/o, just for Iroha to open it easily

Start from the beginning

The lid stays put

He's dumbfounded at this point, creating a puff of smoke to make it look like he's making a fire, when he's actually looking through the code of the virtual world

It's literally an ordinary soda can, what the hell is the problem

Apparently it's the great soda can 

"Iroha, can you help me open this?" He hears you say

Iroha? The cowardly idiot who can't even commit a murder right?

"Here, Y/n!"


His mind literally can't comprehend this. He mentally goes through every possible scenario and Iroha opening the can shouldn't have been a possibility-

The eye of his mask swirls in confusion

This girl is strong enough to open this obsidian for a soda can but can't commit a goddamn murder to save herself-

Yuri Kagarin: 

"Не волнуйся, Y/n~! I'll get it for you baby!"

He didn't get it. No matter how hard his tiny hands pulls, the lid wouldn't budge

He would rather die than ask a male for help, so he literally resorts to wrestling and biting the can when you're not looking

When you offer to get Iroha, he blindly trusts your judgement, and he'll never doubt a woman's strength, even if she is... he doesn't want to insult a woman either.

He gives it a few more yanks before letting you take it

Iroha opens it with a gentle tug.

"My, Iroha! You've got the strength of a beautiful ox!"

Hajime Makonouchi: 

"Sure thing. Just remember not to have too many of these." He's one, if not the strongest guy here, this shouldn't be a problem in the slightest 



..maybe this is a bit problematic...

Seriously, he could crush this can on his forehead, or he could squeeze the soda out with his bare hands! 

Why can't he open this!?

He scoffs when you suggest getting Iroha, assuming your making fun of him

He tries to break the soda can in half over his knee, but it also doesn't work

When Iroha opens it with little effort, he has to take off his sunglasses and clean them to make sure he's seeing this correctly

Maybe Iroha actually listened when Hajime told her to eat her vegetables-

Shinji Kasai: 

"O-Okay!" He blushes, still new to the relationship, literally anything could make him red

He gets pretty embarrassed when he can't do it, and kinda pressured since you're staring at him-

"U-Um...s-sorry. I think I need a minute." He doesn't want to admit that he can't do it and mess up your image of him

You get Iroha and he feels even more embarrassed when she pops it off with little issue

You comfort him and lie that it was a prank

You also give him some of your soda 

Nikei Yomiuri:

He wordlessly takes the soda can, expecting to pop it off easily

When it doesn't, he's mildly annoyed, because A. He's using his right hand for this, that's how much he loves you, and B. He's drunken so many of these damn things during all nighters that this should be like opening a door

Spoiler alert: it's not.

He starts shaking it for some reason, and trying to dig his nails into it. He eventually resorts to using his teeth, while you laugh at his slow descent into insanity

He's actually getting mad now-

He rolls his eyes and scoffs when you talk about Iroha helping you. He sneers that she probably doesn't know how a soda can works

Iroha feels a bit sad and offended overhearing that, but she still easily pops the lid off, 

Nikei's face morphs from shock, confusion, and anger in the span of a few seconds as he excused himself to yell about it in his room

You joke about him writing an article about it, but he says there's no way in hell he's publishing a blow to his pride

He can't look at sodas the same for a while

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