💝Swap bodies with Male S/o

Beginne am Anfang

What if you were in trouble? If she slept in your room, would you sleep with her?

Okay wait that sounded bad-

She shook those thoughts and of her head and called your name a few times, in case you were in the bathroom

"Y/n! Y/n! Where are you?!" She eventually opened the door and looked around the dorm hallway, trying to recall yesterdays events besides the motive

The two of you didn't have a sleepover, or swap clothes, so what-

It hit her just a moment before her own body opened the door to her dorm

"Hi, Akane."

"Y/n..." She looked at you stuck in her body. The weight of the situation beginning to dawn on her.

"Y/n, we'll get through this. Without anyone dying, okay?"

Mikako Kurokawa:  (Spoilers)

She woke up feeling better than she had since the killing game started

Her head didn't hurt and she felt much healthier, as if her head had never hurt in the first place

She immediately recognized your room, and got up without the usual flow of nausea and dizziness

What happened?

She quickly left the room to find you. It didn't matter what was happening, she didn't feel sick anymore

She found you in the hallway. You were in her body and looked more sickly than ever

"Mi...kako?" You slurred your words, beginning to hold your head.

"Do..... you.... Know..... what...'s happening...?"

"No." She shook her head. "But I think we can use this opportunity in our favor." 

"Mikako..?" Why was your quiet girlfriend so...talkative and quick to speak? And why did your head hurt so bad?

"Y/n, I need you to get everyone as fast as you can and meet me at the Diner."

"Why? Why...does my....head hurt....?"

"I'm sorry about this Y/n, just try not to think. I can talk now."


"I know who the masterminds are. Get everyone and I'll tell them everything. We'll find my brother and sort this out too."

Satsuki Iranami:

She's... not the smartest

She mostly assumes that she spent the night with you

It's not until she goes into the bathroom does she realize (It's up to you whether she realizes through the mirror or your-)

She quickly goes to her room to look for you

"Y/N! Y/N! Where are yoooouuu?!"

"Satsuki! I'm so glad you're okay!"

You remind her of Monokuma's announcement of a motive yesterday and reassure her 

You're definitely gonna need Rei for this one

Rei Mekaru: 

Rei knew something was wrong immediately

The moment her chest felt lighter, she was in your clothes, and in your room, she drew a conclusion very quickly 

One look in the mirror confirmed her hypothesis that she was in her boyfriend's body, no matter how ridiculous it sounded

If she was in your body, then you had to be in hers, or it was about to get even more awkward
Rei rang your...her doorbell until she saw her own face swing it open

"Hi incompetent." Her voice said

"Very funny, Y/n."

Rei was smart, she was confident that she'll find some answers or at least some kind of solution. She had to.



"I believe in you."

She found herself smiling, even if it was in your body

Kiyoka Maki:

When she hears the morning announcement, she yawns... a little too deeply

"...what the..."

She looks around, realizing that it's not her room

She looks down, realizing these were not the clothes she slept in...

Monokuma mentioned a motive yesterday, did he lock her in here?!

She ran over to the door and yanked it open

It was unlocked... so what was the-

"Kiyoka! Is that you?" 


She took a good look at you in her body. 

"Kiyoka..." You sighed, relieved to see your girlfriend was safe

"...Is that really what I sound like?" You rolled your eyes and playfully flicked her forehead 

"Come on, let's get the others, see if they have any ideas."

Kanata Inori: 

Kanata wakes up feeling.... Different

She rubbed her head and stood up before realizing-

Was the ceiling always this low?

Was she finally getting a growth spurt?!

But wait... all in one night?

She looked around the room, it was yours? 

Something was definitely off, could it been Monokuma's motive that he mentioned yesterday? 

A strike of fear hit her.

If this was your room, where were you?!

She quickly left the dorm, desperate to find you, not expecting to open her door and find... herself?

"H-Huh...?" She said, her voice sounding nothing like her. She connected the dots from there as you showed her to a mirror.

"...I...This shouldn't be possible."

She was a master of the medical field, and her entire sense of logic couldn't explain how this was happening

"Don't worry, Kanata. We'll figure something out."

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