chapter twenty-one

Start from the beginning

It didn't take long before I switched over to the needles for the color. "Do you need a break?" I asked her, earning a shake of her head.

Another hour flew by and the first tattoo I was able to do on human skin was done. I was very proud of it too and she loved it. She thanked me and we took a video and photo of it. She gave the money to me which I handed straight to Owen who shook his head.

"You did the tattoo, you get the money," he said, instantly making me feel bad.

"But it was your client," I insisted, prying his palm open and putting the money in it. He counted the bills and handed me some.

"Then you get the tip," he said, leaving no room for argument. I smiled at him, feeling a little bit better.

Cassie whistled over the sound of her own needles. "Dang, you learn fast. I've never seen a newbie do a tattoo as perfect as that," she commented as Owen took his seat.

I shrugged. "If it was my own tattoo I'd want to make sure it was perfect. The guilt would eat me alive anyway if I let someone walk out of here with a poor tattoo," I told her, grabbing my bag of chips. Luke's name flashed on my screen and my heart squeezed. I haven't told him yet and I feel terrible about it. I just wanted to surprise him, that's all.

"Hey," I greeted after I stepped out of the shop.

"Hey you," he said, yelling at one of the boys to be quiet. "I have a question for you." He took a deep breath as if he was gathering courage. "Would you like to spend the holidays with me in Australia?"

My heart dropped. How was I going to tell him no just to surprise him?

"Luke, I already have plans," I stammered, trying not to picture the heartbroken look on his face. It was a little hard.

"Oh, um, yeah. Of course," he mumbled, feeling disheartened. "It's too soon anyway."

"It's not that.  I would absolutely love to spend the holidays with you, Luke. I don't think it's too soon for it," I softly told him.

He sighed heavily. "I just didn't want you to think that I was moving our relationship too fast," he explained and I could just picture him running his hands through his curls.

Next week couldn't come fast enough. I can't wait to see the look on his face. "I don't think that at all. If you would have asked a week ago, I would have been able to say yes."

I could picture the sad smile on his features. "Can we at least Facetime? I wanted to give you your present in person so you'll have to wait until I get back from the tour," he said, trying to hide the upset tone in his voice.

"Of course, Luke. I wouldn't have it any other way," I softly told him, hoping it helped a bit. I wanted to get the other boys in on the surprise now, but with Crystal surprising Michael it would be hard.

After we hung up, I sent her a text telling her that I had to lie and feel like a terrible girlfriend about it. She shot me one back only to tell me to shut up because there was a greater cause at play. I rolled my eyes and stepped back into the shop. Cassie grinned at me.

"So, want to try another tat?"

MOM WAS IN my apartment when I got home and Lucy was irritated on the couch. She had her guitar on her lap but it was just sitting there. She pointed to my Mom and made the motion to get her out of there.

"Mom, what are you doing?" I asked, setting my bag on the floor. Our stove was spotless yet she scrubbed it like there was months of grease innit.

"Cleaning. Isn't it that obvious?" She retorted moving onto the countertops.

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