Part - 28

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Authors note

I know last part was boring. But simply I can't give this part, without supporting elements. So to build this part, I wrote previous part accordingly
And also I don't want you to left with boring part, so that I planned to give this part today itself

Singh Mansion

"So, do you still believe/think that, I will be happy with other one" KS asked again at HM, who is moving towards the door, to enter into house

Hearing this, HM stopped at her tracks, and said: " We are standing outside, I don't wanna talk about that here, come inside, we will talk about that" HM said this, without turning back

"No, I won't come inside, until I get your answers" KS said firmly, while looking at the back of HM

"Rishu, don't act like an adamant, I will answer you, but not here" HM said

"No, if you don't answer me here, I won't come inside" KS said

HM exhaled her breath and look around to find anyone, to her goodness, no one is there. She turned to KS and goes close to her

"Tell me, What you want now" HM asked

"So, do you still believe that, I will be happy with other one" KS asked again

HM looked at her

"So, you don't have any problem in that"

"And you are not gonna stop Maa" KS asked, while looking at HM

"And you are happy to get me, married with that stupid" KS piled her questions to HM

HM was consciously looking at all sides, so that no one can hear their conversation

"Rishu, Listen to me I will speak with you, but not here" saying this, HM grabbed KS hands, and takes her to KS room

HM left KS inside her room and asked her

"You are mad to behave like this, Rishu, its less than 10 days, you met with an accident and you are behaving like this now, why you don't worry about your injuries and health"

"And do you think, this is the right time to speak like this" HM asked

"You are worry about my physical wounds and pain, but totally forget about my mental pain"

"I agree that I told to you that, I will behave like normal with you, by completely forget my feelings towards you, just to maintain and save our relationship"

"But do you think, it is easy for me to act like that"

"Single time, every single time, it kills me, inside"

"I know, it would be like that only. But today, I can't control, myself"

"If you don't love me, it's okay, I will not force myself on you. But the same applies to you all, no one, literally, no one have the rights to force your desires to me, it includes you" saying this, KS takes her place in the bed, without waiting for any replies from HM

HM just looked at KS, who is looking like a AK47, who fired at her continuously, without any mercy, and waiting to do the same again.

"Rishu, listen to me, first, why are you blasting at me like this" HM asked this, while moving towards KS

"Don't dare to come near to me. I just want to be away from you" KS said

"Please first listen to me, Rishu" HM said this, with a smile

Seeing HM's smile, KS anger reached it's another peak level, she looked at HM sarcastically and said: "So, my feelings are like a comedy/fun to you,right. You thought, it is easy for me to un love you, right" saying this, the tears which are brimmed, started to flow down from her eyes

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