Part - 2

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HM: Singh's are born to lose, before Mallik's

SS: So you are saying, Karishma will lose

HM: Who said?

SS: You are the one who said, and you always wants us to lose.

HM sarcastically looked at SS and said pointing towards KS: "From the BIRTH, SHE IS MALLIK. So don't worry, she will not lose" saying this, she left from there and Riya followed her

SS try to speak with KS. KS left from there. AS also left sadly

Riya followed HM

RK: Haseena, Please stop

HM: Yes, Riya tell me. But don't ask anything, about the things which happened in Singh Mansion

RK: Haseena, Okay I don't ask anything about that, but please come with me and stay with me. I am not only your secretary, I am your friend too

HM: Thanks Riya, but I need some alone time. Just leave me alone, Please. I have our old house, from where we developed this.

RK: But

HM: Leave all that, You have now more responsibilities, you have to guide Karishma, as well you have to take care of her, as I don't believe this Singh's

RK: I know that, I will take care of her

HM: I have faith on her she will handle this, in case you need anything let me know. But don't inform this to Karishma, as I don't want to discourage her

RK: I know about Madam Mallik very well, but I don't understand why she did this

HM: Don't think about much. Everything is her's only, just she takes the responsibility, that's it

RK: Even I know that, your every property is Madam Mallik's. That is not my problem, why you left that house, left Madam Mallik

HM: Because everyone, who knew about our relationship, is asking about our relationship status and advise me to take that seriously, so I just used this chance to walk out, from Karishma's life

RK: But I don't think so, that would happen or happened

HM: Already it happened, I walked out from her life

RK: She asked you to sign all the papers, but not any legal papers regarding your relationship. Now you both have only one connection ie., this relationship

HM: "Riya, Please already I am tired, Just leave me alone, I think your New CEO gave big work to you and you have to finish that by tomorrow morning or else she will fire you" saying this, she smiled at her

RK smiled palely and said: Okay I will arrange some care taker for you as I know you wont take care of you well, Today itself I will arrange at any cost. Now come with me. Just I will drop you. Please for my sake atleast accept these things

HM: "Okay" saying this, she moved towards RK's Scotty

HM just sit behind Riya, and put her hands over RK. KS saw all this from her room corridor, took her phone and called

KS: Ms. Kapoor, I want to meet you immediately. Please come to my room

RK: "Sure Madam Mallik" saying this, she turn off her scotty.

HM: What happened

RK: Madam Mallik asked me to meet her urgently

HM nodded her head and gets off from her bike and said: Go and meet her. I will go by myself

RK: If you need anything other than the care taker, let me know and I will arrange that immediately

HM: What is the need for arrangingcare taker for me, that too in this much hurry. And I am not an baby

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