Part - 3

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HM comes to her room and saw KS who already takes the bed. She changed her dress and moved to couch.

KS: You can sleep here

HM looked at the clock and said: "It's 12.05am, So from now onwards I wont do anything as per your wish" saying this, she laid in couch

It's been six months from when KS got into Home. HM was the one, who takes little extra care towards KS by making her bath, changing her cloths, to feed her milk, to swing her cradle at nights. She is behaving normal, but only with KS. And she continued her reserved behavior with others.

One of the rainy night, there is heavy thunder outside. Hearing that, Baby KS wakes up from her sleep and started to cry vigorously, as she was afraid, by the thunderstorm and there is no power in home, as there is heavy rain. HM wakes up from her sleep due to the crying of KS

"Ohhh..... chu... chu......" by saying this HM tried to calm her. But thunderstorms are continued, it is difficult for HM, to calm KS. She lighted some candles and started to rub her arms for sometime. Now KS calm a little bit, while she hold the HM's index finger in her hands, securely and she slept like that. HM felt relieved after that only

HM wakes up from the sleep due to thunderstorm, as it is raining heavily outside. She got up from the couch and closed the windows properly and went close to KS, to check her, as she is afraid of thunderstorms, from her childhood. KS was tightly hold the pillow
in fear and she is mumbling something with fear

Seeing this, she remembered how KS asked her to sleep in bed with her, in the same day night and how she refused it. She felt guilty, she took KS hands and make KS hold her index finger. She takes her seat next to KS and keep her head in bed rest.

And she remembered the argument they had sometime ago

KS: You can sleep here

HM looked at the clock and said: "It's 12.05am, So from now onwards, I wont do anything as per your wish" saying this, she laid in couch

KS: Look at outside, already it started raining heavily and lightening are there. You know how I am afraid of these things, that's why I asked you to sleep here, Rudy. And from when you are behaving like this rude to me

HM: Accha, if I don't do the things you asked for, I am rude to you.

KS: I don't meant that, but you are answering me, in a rude way

HM: What are you thinking about me, that I am a fool to do all the things that you asked for, yesterday I did everything you asked for, because I promised you, that I will give/do whatever you asked for

KS: So after that, you won't do my needs

HM doesn't answered this and looked at other side

KS: "So only, for that promise, you did all this" she asked

Again HM doesn't answer her, again KS continued: "See because of this rude behavior which you showed to me nowadays, I asked that thing yesterday morning, I don't know what made you to behave like this to me. I don't know what is the reason, but I want my old RUDY back, that's why I'm doing this. I know you won't ask the reason for yesterday things, that's why I am saying the reasons myself to you. And I am thinking that, because of business pressures and unwanted feelings of taking revenge, made you like this, that's why, I am taking the responsibility of our company, to reduce your pressure and also at least for some days you will enjoy your life"

HM: Who asked you this reason, I already said everything is yours, just you are taking the responsibility, that's it. Don't give any explanations for your actions, to made me think, that you are an saint, to do all the things for me

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