Part - 24

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Morning Sunrays are peaked through the window, which is disturbing HM's peaceful sleep.

"Rishu, Rishu" calling this, HM blinks her eyes to adjust to the sunlight

" Even in her holiday, we she wakes up, this much early" thought this, HM turned to other side and took HPP, which is laying on the ground.

(Author's note: HPP only speak with KS, not with HM. If HPP talks to HM, then only it's HPP thoughts. HM doesn't aware of my poor HPP feelings)

"Even I believe Karishma more than you, Haseena JI. Atleast she is behaving rudely with me in front of my face. But you are such a coward, who can't take stand for me against your wife. I hate you, to the core. And don't touch me" HPP thought this, when HM picked it up from the floor.

She hugged that tightly and started to sleep again.

"I know you will do all the butterings to me, when she is not around you. Even though, I know your double standards, I can't un love you, because you are my everything" HPP thought this, while looking at HM

"What, Why I am speaking like them, I think, I am listening their conversation more. If Karishma, gets to know that, I am invading their privacy, then that will be final day, for me, in this world" HPP thought this, and snuggled more into HM, or we can say HM snuggled more into HPP

" I don't know from when you have this habit of drinking tea without brushing" HPP hear KS's voice, who is bringing tea for HM to their room

"Today I am gonna dead, that too, in the morning, itself. Everyday I am suffering in the night. But today, I am gonna dead by morning, itself. All this because of this, Haseena JI" HPP thought this little panickily

HM hugged HPP more tightly and covered her completely with HPP.

"I know, you love me more, how you covered us" HPP thought this and look at HM lovingly

" I don't know why you have this unhygienic habit, and today is the last day, I am giving this tea to you, from tomorrow, you have to brush first to get the tea" scolding like this, KS entered the room with cup of tea

KS keeps the tea cup in the side table and looked at HM, who is sleeping peacefully by completely covering her with duvet.

"Rudy, get up, you have important meeting today. You have to go to office little early" KS said

"Rudy, Please get up, even Riya di, can't attend this meeting, because she has her 8th month check up with doctor" KS said this again

"5 mins, I will get up, Now you can go" HM replied still under the duvet

KS looked at HM covered duvet figure, she said: Why you allow Riya di, to work till this month of pregnancy.

" I never asked, she is coming to office by her own wish, but I don't give any work burden to her" HM replied from under the duvet

"Okay get up" KS asked

" 5 mins" HM said

KS suspiciously looked at HM duvet figure, one evil thought pop up in her mind, KS said slowly: "Get up, Please Haseena Ji, Has......"

HM jerked up from bed immediately, KS smiled at her sheepishly. But to HPP's bad luck, while jerking off, HM completely uncovered HPP. KS looks at HPP and then at HM.

KS: "So, you are covering this". HM nodded her head for this

KS exhaled her breath and said: " seriously, I don't know why you have this weird habits like this" She said this pointing HPP and conituned " And this" she said this, while pointing the tea

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