Part - 4

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KS and RK were busy with their works 

RK asked KS: Did you think if Ms. Mallik takes any job in any other company, it would be problem for us

KS who was busy in her work, looked at RK, after hearing this: "Of course, It would be a big problem, because we are maintaining that, still HM is part of our company and if she takes any job in any other company, definitely it would be problem. Leave all this. Why are asking this, now" she asked, suspecting something from her question

RK fumbled: Woh actually.. Ms. Mallik is looking for job

KS: What is the need for her to look for a job. When she has everything

RK looked at KS and asked: She had... But not now...

KS just looked at her and said: Her account is still active and it will be active in future as well

RK said: You know HM, very well, more than me, still you think that, she will use that money, when you asked her to sign all the things on your name

KS: "So, she will not use" she said this and thought something

And KS continued: We will have only one option for that, because Ms. Mallik can't allowed to take any job in any other companies in India

RK asked: What is that option

KS: Actually, My college mate doing some business, which is doing quite well in market, she asked me to help her in some projects. Actually I am planned to do that, even I gave my promise to her, but before that, everything happened. So, instead of me,HM can do that, but pay is from us, because, if she gets pay from my friend, it wouldn't be better. I don't want that to happen. Please talk with Ms. Mallik, regarding this and let me know, I will check with my friend

RK gets a relief, after hearing this, as she knows, how adamant her friend was, she said: It would be better for everyone, I will speak with her

KS nodded her head and gets back to her work

HM House

HM was busy in searching the web pages for any JOB availability, as she wants to find the job asap, to manage her expenses, as she doesn't have any other cash with her and don't want to take any money from ANYONE as already Riya did so much for her by arranging everything. At least for next month she wants to manage her expenses. HM will get the job easily, but for the very obvious reason RK and KS worried, HM took another way of searching for job, even for too low pay.

PJ who is cleaning the photo frames asked HM, who is busy with systems in living area: Haseena

HM who is busy in systems looked at PJ and asked: "Yes PJ" saying this, she looked at PJ, who is cleaning the KS childhood photo, which she took, when KS went to school for the first time, seeing that automatically smile crept over her face

PJ: This Lalli, is beautiful right

HM said: "As usual" but she stopped in middle and asked her again "PJ, why you always mention her as lalli"

PJ: I don't know, but whenever I saw these photo's I just said that name in flow

HM: "So, You gave her a pet name as LALLI" saying this, she smiled at her.

PJ: Even you call her by some name

Hearing this, again HM looked at PJ: I call her as RISHU...

PJ: "Why you call her like that. Is that any special reasons for that" she asked, while looking at HM

"Hanna, Hanna" 4 year kid called. 11 year kid continuously, who is busy with her books

What happened Karishma? : HM asked

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