Part - 5

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KS finished her dinner and left to room.

Not to her room. But to HM's room. She opened the room and saw how congested, the room was

"The number you are trying to reach is not reachable at the moment" hearing this computerized voice for umpteenth time, within 2 to 3 seconds, the phone scattered into pieces

"It's third phone in 5 days" RK said angrily to her friend, who just crushed the phone into pieces

"Its been 5 days riya, Then, what can I do" HM asked angrily

"Yeah I know, But she is with her parents right and you only asked her to go with them" Riya tried to justify KS

"I agree that I asked or you can say I forced her to go with them for her ancestral village, for some special prayer for her return. But that doesn't mean that. I don't want to hear from her about her well being" HM questioned her in return

"She is with her parents, so she will be good and also she is not a kid. She is 24 years old adult" Riya said

"Whatever you say, that she is with her parents or she is 24 years old, without hearing anything from her I am not able to be at peace" HM said firmly

"This is the first time for you right?" Riya asked

"What is first time?" HM asked her in return

"That, you both are not speaking with each other, for this long"  RK said

"We can say like that, but what made me to worry is, how busy we both are with our works, we will speak at least once in phone" HM said this sadly, and asked "Book my tickets to her ancestral village, today. I will go there and check at her once by myself" HM said

"She is with her parents, Haseena, don't be act like over protective" RK said

"I am not acting, seriously I am care about her" HM answered her

"But Today, it is not possible, by evening we have meeting with foreign clients, tomorrow I will modify your schedule and book the tickets for you. Now relax" Riya assured her

At night, HM came to her house in drunken state, Riya helped her to get into her house. Riya made HM comfortable in couch as HM said that, she wants to be in couch in living area.

RK: What made you to drink this much, that too in formal business meet. Usually you know, your limit, right

HM: "Sorry Riya, Please don't scold me, I don't know ,how I drunk that much please... please...."  said in drunken state

RK looked at her and asked about Malaika, for that HM said: "She too left me" she said this in over dramatic way

Riya smiled at her and left from there, after did all the arrangements for HM.

"Karishma" Riya who came outside HM house, shouted at KS who just arrived

"Riya di, are you here, at this hour, Haseena is okay, right" she piled her questions, towards Riya

RK: You are the one who is not reachable for almost a week and now you asking about us

KS: Sorry di, it's a village right, so not that much network

RK: Okay, but you can contact us by any other available sources right, Haseena is really worried about you

KS: Sorry di,

RK explained to KS, how HM worried about her and how she planned to come there and how she broke her phone thrice and how she got drunken and how she is sleeping in couch.

From the birth, It's only youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ