Part - 9

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HM looked at her for sometime, but there is no response from her, so she gets up from her seat and started to move, but she stopped in her tracks by KS's voice

KS still not looking at HM, but she said: "Don't ever, dare to take lift from Shivani, never again in your life, again" saying this, she gets up from her seat and moves towards kitchen

"So, You saw us at doorstep" HM asked KS, who was stopped at her tracks, after hearing this

And HM continued: "So, you know, I was at doorstep with her, but you didn't call us, inside to home" she asked, while crossing her arms over chest

KS turned towards HM and said: "Why I have to call you, when you two are busy with each other, that too for an hour"

HM: Why are you behaving, like this

KS: Behaving like, what

HM: You know, what are you doing and even I don't have any problem, with your possessiveness, because I always believe that, possessiveness is just an outcome of love.

KS: You know that right, and even you don't have any problem with that right, then why are you asking

HM: Because, I don't like it, when some one use our disadvantage/weak point, against us. So, I want you to, behave well, in front of others

KS: I agree, I was little possessive about you, but you know that right, that too from long, and I was not just possessive about you now, from my childhood I was possessive about you and you too know that, then what is the problem for you, now

HM: Because, Shivani is kidding us, with your possessiveness

KS: "So, because of Shivani, I have to behave and Because of Shivani, you have problem now" she asked with rage

HM answered her, with same rage: Don't speak like stupid, not because of Shivani, I am saying this, but because of you, I am saying this, idiot

KS questioned her back: Because of me, Because of me, What

HM calmed herself once and said: "Listen Rishu, May be, Shivani is your friend, and she can make fun of you, it is normal for you guys. But when she make fun of you and your behavior towards me, that to in front of me in some places, where you are not there, I wouldn't support that"

KS was looking at HM and HM continued: "And I can't change her nature, so I asked you to behave well in front of her"

KS: "So, for her, I have to change, just because she made fun of my possessiveness, I have to change"

HM nodded her head in disbelief and said: "You have taken everything, wrong Rishu, I am saying that, when you know, you are my first priority above anyone and you know my love towards you, then why are you possessive over me, when someone did/do anything to me, who I barely spend time or meet or like"

KS: "Listen Rudy, it's not my possessiveness, I don't like her around you all time, when I know, some of her attractions, towards you"

HM shouted at KS: "Stop it, Rishu, She just give an compliment, that too long ago, Please don't create any scene"

KS anger is in another level now, because usually HM won't shout at her, with this KS shouted back at HM: "I am not creating any scene, you are the one, who is creating the scene. And understand one thing, even I don't want to be possessive over you, I am trying, but it cant help. But from today, I won't be possessive over you" saying this, she started to move, but stopped in her tracks and said " Till now, you don't have any problem with my possessiveness towards you, just because of Shivani, you have problem" Saying this, she left from there to room, without listening anything from her

From the birth, It's only youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora