8. Poisoned Apple

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It was Clariss who first acknowledged her. The woman smiled brightly as if she hadn't shown any animosity toward Emily in the past. Then she approached the kitchen door.

"Hey," she said to Emily.

Emily stared with wide questioning eyes. The woman's demeanor was such a complete opposite of her previous ones. What the hell is this skunk planning, Emily thought to herself. She wasn't one to go about judging people but once given cause, she'd think of the worst.

If this skank starts something I may not be able to control myself, Emily mused. Just leave already, she thought further.

When Clariss remained in front of her smiling, various scenarios played out in Emily's head. Drowning the woman in a fit of rage was one of them.

Emily had been lost in her thoughts when she suddenly became aware of Oliver's eyes on her. The man was standing with other workers near the kitchen window with a chocolate-coated apple in his hand. She felt a pang of discomfort when she saw him approaching. Without a moment's hesitation, she pushed Clariss aside, almost rudely, to make way for herself through the narrow kitchen doorway.

She laboriously made her way towards the kitchen counter, squeezing her body against the many people crammed in the kitchen, unsure where to go. Then her eyes darted towards the coffee maker. She needed something to distract her from everyone's presence. So she brought the coffee machine to life then reached for a piece of bread lying beside it and then grabbed a bottle of jam from the hanging cabinet above the counter. She started to spread jam over the bread using a butter knife, the rhythmic motion of her hand providing a sense of calm.

But when her mind drifted to the day before, the discomfort it gave her made her drop the bread and stick the butter knife on it.

"That thing is innocent you know."

Emily gritted her teeth when she heard Oliver from behind her. She spun around and then glared at him.

"I don't need to talk to you. You don't have to talk to me," was all she said as she sidestepped and walked past Oliver almost colliding with another person who was on their way to the coffee machine.

With anger boiling inside her Emily strode into the cramped and overpopulated kitchen, her eyes scanning the room for the quickest route to the exit. She deftly navigated through the throngs of people, her movements fluid and graceful.

To hell with him and everyone in this Manor, she thought to herself. Internally cursing Oliver.

Just as she was about to reach the kitchen door, a familiar voice called out her name, halting her in her tracks. She turned around to see Clariss, the same woman who had given her nothing but disdain in the past, now wearing a kind expression on her face.

Emily was taken aback by the sudden change in attitude and couldn't help but ask herself, What the hell is this woman up to?

She watched with eyes wide as saucers as Clariss approached her, smiling brightly. But what truly got Emily curious was the apple she had in her hand. Upon reaching her, Clariss held out the apple to her and said, "Here is a peace offering. I know I've been a bitch but peace within our surroundings will make our job easier."

When Clariss finished her sentence the people inside the kitchen - whom Emily suspected had been listening from the moment Clariss uttered her first words - turned and looked at Emily. Their eyes were fixed on her clearly waiting for her response.

Great. Just great, Emily thought to herself. She wasn't naive. There's no way someone like Clariss who held a deep animosity toward her would just wake up one day and say, Hey let's be friends.

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