5: Did We?

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The rays of the morning sun peaked through the blinds as the curtains swayed back and forth. There was a fan set to a low setting as it oscillated cool air despite the room already being chilly. The sound was calming until you felt the pounding in your head as you slowly started to stir. You let out a soft whine as you bring your hand up to your face to wipe your eyes. You always kept pain medicine in the night stand at Emi and Kento's guest room on mornings after you three hit up The Black Out.

With your eyes still closed you scooted to the side of the bed as you started feeling around the the drawer with your holy grail in it. Your eyebrows knitting together as you couldn't seem to place your hand where you needed it to be. You hesitantly opened one eye to see how far you had miscalculated the night stand to be. You quickly opened your other eye to see not only was there no night stand but you also had a bandage wrapped around your hand. You sat up and winched in pain when you ran your fingertips lightly over it.

The pounding in your head only escalating with the sudden movement when you sat up. You slowly looked around the room and dread filled your body. This wasn't Kento and Emi's guest room. This wasn't your bedroom. Where the hell are you?

You looked down at yourself to see you only had on your black lace bralette and your olive green mid-rise panties on. You quickly grabbed the blanket and covered yourself up; your eyes darted around the room and landed on a body that was laying on a couch that was straight in front of the bed on the opposite wall. He was sleeping on his stomach that much you knew for sure but your vision was still to blurry to tell who. You jumped as the person let out a loud snore, you tucked the blanket under your arms, and rubbed the little bit of blurriness left in your eyesight to get a better look at who's room you were in. Your eyes widened at the man before you, grabbing the closest pillow to you, and chucking it at him. It hit him right in the head and he quickly stirred awake.

"What the fuck." Satoru said in his morning voice and then let out a yawn. He slowly sat up and scratched at his chest before his tired eyes landed on you.

You gripped onto the blanket as your chest rose and fell with sharp quick breaths. You stared back at Satoru noticing he was in nothing but black boxers that seemed dangerously low. You followed the way the v lines went under his boxers and lead right to his...

"Morning sleepy head." Satoru softly said then lifted his arms up and stretched.

"Satoru what the hell happened last night? Why am I at your place? Did we..." You look away and hug on tightly to the blanket.

"You got hammered last night and I asked around and no one seemed to know where you lived. Other than tweedle dee and tweedle dum but they were even drunker than you were surprisingly. Another couple offered to take Emi and Kento home and I just brought you here cause I didn't know what else to do." He said as got up and walked out of the room for a moment.

You looked around his room and noticed his walls were painted a dark grey with a bay window to your left. The blinds were drawn and the curtains pulled closed even though sunlight still fought it's way to peak through. He didn't have any nightstands on either side of his bed but he did have a full length mirror propped up against the wall at the foot of the bed. You looked back to see the couch that, despite being two sizes too small to hold Satoru's tall frame comfortably, was riddled with a few blankets and a pillow. There was a lamp resting on a black wooden table that was, to your assumption, left on all night.

There were a couple of framed movie posters hanging on the wall above a small book shelf that had more books than you thought you'd see in Satoru's possession. Your eyes darted to Satoru's figure walking back over to you with a glass of water, medicine, and was that your clothes?

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