2: An Unwelcome Visit

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    A few weeks had passed by after getting the dreadful news that Satoru would be standing by the groom like you would be the bride. You distracted yourself with the excitement Emi had once the pressure of picking a date and time for the wedding were finally set. The wedding would be on November twenty-sixth at six in the afternoon. This gave Emi and Kento exactly seven months to plan everything from who would be invited to what guest would be eating at the reception. Emi had brought her laptop and started on her checklist she had for her wedding when the shop had its down time.

    Due to the rainy weather over the past few days business was a little slower; most people wanted their coffee hot and to go so they could rush wherever they needed to go before the rain got to them. Which fortunately for you two meant you could look over the next thing on her check list which was what Emi wanted her invitations looked like. She had found a random website that seemed to carry hundreds upon hundreds of designs for invitations and rsvp cards alike for a reasonable price. She pointed out a few options then would scrunch her nose up as if she immediately hated the idea that her and Kento's name with their special date would be printed on something like that. You pointed out a few subtle designs which you knew she would hate just to see her reaction.

    "Isn't it your turn to dust the book shelves?" She said when you pointed out a design that resembled something a child would use to invite their friends to their sixth birthday party and not a formal wedding.

You groaned and raised the duster up to show her you knew that you had been assigned to dusting patrol which was personally your least favorite thing to do. You always got side tracked by books you wanted to add to your reading list.

    "I'm going. I'm going," You say as you shuffle your feet over to the first shelf. "By the way how many people are you planning on inviting. Between the both of you I'm sure at least a hundred people will be there." You say as you start to dust the shelf trying to hold back a sneeze as dust flys towards you.

    "I'm not sure yet. Kento and I want to keep it relatively small but the last time we talked about who all we wanted to invite we were already at a hundred and fifteen people." Emi said as she kept scrolling.

    "So much for small." You say as you look out to see the rain falling harder than it had been a few minutes prior.

    "You're telling me. Kento said he'd be stopping by soon to see if we had enough dinnerware for the wedding. We figured we could use what we have here. I'll ask him then how many people. I'm not looking forward to seeing some of his cousins. Compared to Kento they get unruly when they drink too much. I almost want to have a dry wedding but you know I'm going to need a few in me to have all those people staring at us all night." She said as she rested her head in her hand as she made a few clicking sounds on her mouse pad.

    "Are they really that bad? They can't be worse then we are. You remember the last time we went to The Black Out right? Kento refused to talk to us until we scrubbed the hundreds of dicks we drew all over his face when he woke up the next morning." You say and chuckle at the memory.

    "Oh trust me they are much worse. Getting drunk is the only way I'll be able tolerate them." She says as she grabbed one of her pigtails that has dropped over her shoulder and got in the way of her keyboard. She threw it over her shoulder as she started typing again.

    "I second that. I'm going to need to be hammered if I'm going to be dealing with Gojo all night." You say as you make your way dusting other parts of the shelf.

    "Why do you hate him so much again?" Emi asked looking up from her laptop to see you stiffen.

    Before you could answer the door flew open which caused the bell to ring out and caught both of your attentions. Kento walked in as he tried to fix his umbrella that clearly hadn't been able to withstand the winds of the storm. You both giggled at his disheveled look; his yellow and black tie had been flung over his shoulder. His glasses were covered in rain water while his taupe blazer had been left open by accident. This caused his cobalt blue shirt to come untucked due to the high winds and his taupe colored pants were soaked from the shin down.

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