6: A Missed Call

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After trying to keep your impending break down at bay you finish your breakfast with Kento and Emi in a rush; you apologized for having to leave in a rush but you had a few things you needed to get done. Emi asked you to call her once you got home and you nodded your head as you closed the door behind you. Your drive back to your house was unusually quiet compared to every other time where you jammed out to all the songs you were currently obsessed with. Now the only thing that filled the silence was the traffic around you and the unsteady breaths you were taking. You soon arrived to your apartment complex and you quickly got out of your car and practically ran to your apartment with tears running down your face.

"Shit." You mumbled to yourself as you struggled to get your key to function but soon were able to make your way inside. You slammed the door close and slide down your door till you were sitting down on the floor.

The tears flowing nonstop now that you were alone to be able to fully process what you had gotten yourself into. You had tried for a decade to talk yourself out of those feelings especially after everything that happened; you think back to that time ten years ago, the memory so vivid, as if it happened yesterday. You knew Hina and Satoru had been having relationship problems like they always seemed to but you never thought he'd actually dump her. Half the boys at the school had a crush on her and you could understand why if it was just based on solely her looks. She had long black hair that seemed to imitate silk that fell to the middle of her back; her make up was always done every day flawlessly and her nails were always manicured.

Although we had uniforms she showed off her parents had money in different ways. From the shoes she wore to the bags she carried her school supplies in; it all seemed to be designer name brand things. She was a second year that seemed to be on the honor roll, participated in clubs that helped out with the community, and at one point was vice class president. By all accounts she was the dream girl any parent would want their son to date. However, because she sat behind you for a whole year you knew that she could be really nasty when no one was paying attention and soon you'd get your own taste.

"Can you believe he dumped me?" You heard Hina say to her friend one afternoon in an extra curricular class you needed to make sure your transcript looked good for college.

They always sat behind you and you never paid them much attention until they talked about Satoru. You hated yourself for becoming that nosy but what she revealed about him to her friend was just too hard to pass up on. Before the break up she talked about all kinds of things like what he liked to even the more intimate details of their relationship.

"What happened?" Her friend asked and she huffed.

"He said I don't treat him like a person. That he's just arm candy to me. Which is total bullshit you know?" Hina said as she filed her nail. "I mean do you know how many times I pretended to like kikufuku because he loves it so much. Or that one time I admitted to kissing his best friend Geto at a party but I was totally drunk." She said and her friend agreed.

"I remember that! He asked me about it too and I totally had your back though. I mean you were drunk and it was dark." Her friend said.

"Exactly. I feel like if he was just arm candy then I would have lied to him but I didn't. Why? Because I love him but of course he doesn't believe me." Hina whined.

"I'm sure you guys will be back together by next week. You both were practically made for each other." Her friend said and both girls giggled as they turned to work on their class work.

After hearing the news that they were broken up straight from the main source and on top of that under the allegations of cheating you tried talking yourself into saying something to Satoru. You knew Kento had known him for as long as you could remember but every time he talked about Satoru it was about how much of a nuisance he was. You tried to sound casually, you really did, that fateful day during lunch to see if Satoru had mentioned the break up. You were hopeful in spite of the display in front of you. He seemed to be talking and joking around with not only Hina but Geto as well as if he didn't find out his best friend and his girlfriend had gone behind his back.

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