4: Surprise!

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The week passed by quicker than you had expected and before you knew it the plan to throw Kento and Emi a surprise was under way. You asked them the day before to join you that Saturday night at The Black Out for a few drinks to unwind after another busy week; Emi was on board immediately but Kento needed convincing. After practically begging on your hands and knees Kento reluctantly agreed but only if you stayed sober to avoid any chaos. He reminded you and Emi how every single time the three of you went to The Black Out that at least one of you always managed to get a little too intoxicated. You knew this was their surprise party so with a heavy heart you agreed to be the mom of the group and with that you started getting ready.

You unlocked your phone and went to Satoru's number you hadn't bothered to save. You clicked on his number to call him as you pressed it against your ear. You propped your phone against your shoulder to keep it against your ear as you put one leg then the other through your black jeans. You listened to one ring after another as you stood up and hopped to pull your jeans up; the longer it rang the more irritated you got. You almost hung up on the last ring then heard the line click, some shuffling, a few curse words from the other end of the phone, then a groggy Satoru answered.

"Hello?" He rasped out.

"Satoru are you sleeping?" You asked as you finally got your jeans pulled up. You fingers making quick work to pull the zipper up and to push the metal button through the hole.

"Yeah I was peach," He said as you could hear more rustling and a soft groan escaped his lips. "Are you okay?"" He asked and you felt your cheeks heat up at the mixture of your nickname he had given you so long ago and the sound that shouldn't have sounded erotic but did coming from him.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine," You softly said as you moved to hold your phone with your hand as you looked in your closet for a shirt to wear. "I was calling to ask if you're almost ready but I'll take that as a no." You said and let out a chuckle as you grabbed a t-shirt. You shook your head and looked at the next one behind it.

"Shit, what time is it?" He asked.

You removed your phone from your ear and looked to see the time in the top left corner reading the time before putting it back to your ear.

"It's seven forty-five." You replied as you settled on a black short sleeved crop top.

There was a loud bang from the other end of the phone that caused you to jump. You look at your phone once more before bringing it back to your ear. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to listen to what Satoru was up to. There was a few more cuss words flung out and another loud bang.

"Are you okay?" You asked Satoru only slightly concerned.

"I tried over my comforter trying to rush out of bed. I'm going to be late. Save a seat for me peach?" Satoru said as there was more rustling from his end and you rolled your eyes.

"You better be glad I went earlier to set everything up or we'd be screwed."

"Gotta go. See you soon." And with that the line went dead.

You locked your phone as you turned to see yourself in the mirror to look over your outfit, with a nod, you grabbed your trusty cardigan as you made your way downstairs. You texted Emi that you were headed to her place as you slipped on your white vans and headed out the door. Your plan was to head over to Kento and Emi's apartment and get a cab together to The Black Out. You felt bad for getting frustrated with Satoru for running late because by the time Emi had finished getting ready and trying to convince Kento again that going out tonight would be fun you arrived ten minutes after you had originally planned. You got out of the cab first and were pleased to see all your mutual friends that said they could make it tonight standing around the few tables you were able to reserve thanks to the staff at The Black Out.

You started making your way to the tables you had been able to save ahead of time that you decorated with a white table cloth, a few party favors, and flowers you had grabbed on the way to decorate earlier. You turned and smiled as Emi walked over hand in hand with Kento shocked at the display before them.

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