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The Little Bird drowned out any sound that could be made between the group as the flight was quiet. Arrow remained silent and kept looking at the ground, obviously lost in thoughts. Price remained by Soap's side, his mouth moving as he continued to talk to Soap though nothing could be heard. Katana's gaze remained on Soap and Price as her soul began to crash, the last of her family was fading. General Shepherd was the one to blame, him and his Shadow Company. Shadow Company. Anger flooded her body as she gritted her teeth, turning to the last survivor, no, their new prisoner, Arrow. Arrow was her boyfriend, she always had mixed feelings about him after the fight with General Shepherd but now it was all replaced with hatred. She was angry, enraged at his betrayal yet she still deeply cared for him. She closed her eyes and inhaled.

Nikolai was piloting the helicopter skillfully as the helicopter hugged the mountains, Katana kept her weapon at the ready in case anything bad were to occur, she was still debating on shooting Arrow. She openly gritted her teeth, drawing a glare from Price. Arrow did in fact save the group but this wasn't enough for Katana. Arrow kept his head down as he detached himself from everything, Katana couldn't take it and slid over closer to him. She forcefully grabbed his wrists as he didn't resist and she zip tied his hands together. Arrow glanced up at her with a tired look, one could only describe the glance as a broken soldier, only to be met with anger and hatred. After securing the zip ties, she forcefully pushed his hands down away from her. Arrow turned his gaze away from her and stared at the rocks below him.

He wanted nothing more than his own death and to wash the pain away. Could it be done? He attempted to lean forward to test everyone's reaction, Katana immediately grabbed him and yanked him back with extreme force. He wasn't getting away that easily. Defeated, he slumped back and turned his head as a village came into view as Nikolai began to descend as he slowed the helicopter down too. Arrow readied himself for what came next as he sank deeper and deeper into his depression. In order to save the world, he signed the devil's bargain and now he is paying for what he has done. He closed his eyes as the helicopter touched down, Price jumped up and shouted, "Get him inside now!"

A few of the armed soldiers who appeared out of the villa rushed over to assist as Price began lifting up Soap. Katana turned her gaze to Arrow, grabbing his vest and threw him off the helicopter onto the ground, a few of the friendly soldiers recognized this action and raised their rifles aiming at him. Arrow attempted to push himself up until one of the soldiers stepped up to him as Arrow glanced at the soldier's face. The soldier had no emotion as he lifted his foot back and slammed his foot forward with extreme force into Arrow's stomach. He rolled and twisted, groaning as the air was knocked out of him. Before he could recover, another soldier grabbed the back of his vest and jerked him backwards as he suddenly was facing the sky. He clenched his teeth as he knew the end was close, suddenly he was facing Katana who held her rifle steady on Arrow with her finger on the trigger. Arrow finally came to terms, he would die as the enemy, not her lover.

Catching his breath, he grunted out as he stared into her eyes. "Do it... bitch." As the words left his mouth, he kept his mouth open as his eyes twitched as new emotions overtook him; disgust with Katana. She really didn't have the will to finish the missions, maybe Shepherd was right.

Katana's eyes widened for a brief second as she was stabbed in a vulnerable spot she never considered would be used against her. Anger immediately flushed over her face as she lowered the weapon and flipped the rifle around, she yelled as she jabbed Arrow in the face with the butt of her weapon. He fell back against the arms of his captors and began to lose focus as he watched the sky turn black.

Meanwhile Soap coughed as Nikolai shouted, "The safehouse is right up ahead!"

Price raised his hand and quickly waved for the onlookers to move, "Out of the way! Get a doctor!"

A Shadow Company Tale SequelWhere stories live. Discover now