"I don't know well, General Kenobi, but from what I hear he is fairly travelling around the outer rim helping the people in need while searching for something. But that's last year I don't know now." Carlos replied with an apologetic tone in his voice.

"I see, thank you still. I was worried where my old master have gone through. Nevertheless I need to do my tasks, Kenobi out and may the force be with you." Kenobi spoke before cutting the connection.

Carlos leans in his chair before he turns around to face in the dark corner.

"You know you could come out now." Carlos called out.

In the darkness of the corner emerge a figure cloak in grey robes and approached Carlos before stopping in front of him a meter away.

"How did you know?" The figure asked.

Carlos shrugs before responding.

"Call it instinct after years of experience, so what can you tell about Kenobi? Master Qui Gon."

The figure pulled out his grey hood revealing, the former master of the Jedi Order, Qui Gon.

"Surprisingly developed and matured throughtout the decades, thankfully it seems my teachings help him break his prideful self, without me I would expect he would be the worst Jedi to have in the order." Qui Gon spoke.

Carlos nod and agreed to his statement before he asked.

"So what are your plans now? Now the war is in full swing and the galaxy burns as the war prolonged even further." Carlos spoke.

'Not to mention the coming visitors from the outside poking through my empire, and the Tyrannids that will come bursting through the galaxy finding fresh meats or not fresh meat to devour.' Carlos mentally groan in anguished.

"For now I would go to Serenno to see my former Master and hopefully to speak to him." Qui Gon answered in which Carlos shoot him a frown on his face.

"No offence Qui Gon if you are planning to stop the war then it would be too late to stop it." Carlos spoke but Qui Gon shook his head.

"No, I don't intend to stop the war I already warn the Jedi Order about the impending war if they would not change their ways only few accepted but most denied it, the Grandmaster was having conflict decisions to choose between the two. In the end he was forced choose the latter, I understand his decision and respected it. If you want to asked if I will participate in the war, sadly no my friend." Qui Gon spoke.

Carlos looked at Qui Gon before pressing buttons underneath the desk in which a droid went into the office.

"Follow the droid, he will escort you to a transport ship that will be heading to a Seperatist outpost, don't worry the transport will not be shot. It is under the command of a friend of mine." Carlos assured Qui Gon.

'Besides your the only few Jedi that I can gave respect.' He thought.

Qui Gon look back at Carlos and gave him respectful nod before following the droid to the ship.

Carlos then heard a beeping noise a call again, he received it this time however it was Cabal who speaks with him.

"Sir, sending the reports from the frontline." Cabal said as he send the reports through his data slate.

Carlos received it and analysed the data which he frown after he analyzed it.

"A republic attack on the homeworld of Muun isn't that where Kenobi and my son plan to attack?" Carlos spoke.

"Yes sir, General Grevious tasked me to ensure the defense of the planet and also tasking refugees on ships. As of now only 30% of the population of the Muunilinst have been evacuated the rest were either stayed on the planet to help the defense or went to underground bunkers." Cabal reported.

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