Chapter 1 - Graduation

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(Cas' POV)

June 6th, 1997

The crowd cheers as we all throw our blue caps up into the air right after we all hear, "Congratulations class of 1997!" From the school principal. People are clapping loudly, screaming, laughing, and smiling. I watched as everyone gets hugged by their familes, and shaking hands, all with big smiles on their faces. I probably won't be seeing any of these people at all after this until our high school reunion. Today we all go off in our own directions. We will all be going to different colleges, getting jobs, or doing something else. But today is the beginning of something new for each and every one of us. To be honest, I'm feeling a bit scared. But I know I'll be fine.

My younger brother, Gabriel, runs up to me with a huge smile on his face, that stretched from ear to ear. His dirty blonde hair was a bit of a mess, looking like he just woke up. But he had dressed up nicely for my graduation. A clean red t-shirt, with a black vest, and dark jeans. Gabriel usually likes to throw on random clothes, even if they're wrinkled or dirty. So it was nice to see him like this. Hopefully he'll keep doing this, then just maybe he could finally keep a girlfriend.

It wasn't hard to tell that Gabriel is excited for me. But what is there to be excited about? I'll be leaving them all soon. Gabriel is the one I'll miss the most because he hasn't always just been my brother, but a very close friend as well.

"Congratulations big brother!" There is so much excitement in his tone. I smile and then thank him, as I reach my arms out for a hug.

My mother appears not even a minute later, with tears in her eyes. She's carrying my baby photo album that she was showing to all of my friends earlier. They all just kept laughing, making fun of the naked baby pictures of me. But that's what moms do right? They embarrass their kids.

Letting go of Gabriel, I reach out and wrap my arms around her. My poor mother. I hate to leave her like this. But I don't have much of a choice. The college I got accepted to is a very good one, and I can't pass it up. I just wish it wasn't so far from home.

"I'm proud of you, Castiel." She whispers, her voice a bit hoarse. I squeeze her a bit tighter, fighting back the tears in my eyes.

"This isn't goodbye yet, Mom. We still have the rest of the summer left to be with each other before I go." Comforting her was the best right now because I didn't want to see her cry. Seeing your own mother cry, is probably the most heartbreaking thing ever.

"I know, but you're officially done with high school now, my little boy is growing up too fast!" She pulls away and laughs, obviously trying to make herself feel better.

"It's because you raised me well." I remind her. It's true though. My mother raised me to be the best that I can, and to always follow my dreams. She has always been supportive of me with everything I do, and has always been there for me. When I finally came out of the closet to her when I was fifteen years old, she was very accepting. If my dad was still around, he would have killed me. But since he walked out on my mom years ago, it has just been the three of us - Gabriel, my mother, and I. Gabriel was the first I told about my sexuality though, because he's my brother, but also like a close friend. Also, it was just easier to tell him first. At the time, I had no idea what my mom would do. I was so afraid she's kick me out, or be disappointed in me. So when it wasn't like that, and he just hugged me, It had felt like the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders.

When she pulled me in for another hug, I really didn't want to let go. In less than three months, I will be traveling miles away, and will hardly get to see her anymore. Most kids are always excited to finally get out of the house, but not me. Leaving my own mother hurts. I already know how much im going to be missing her when I leave.

Before we left, I talked to my friends and made sure we had a way to keep in contact. This summer will be the last chance for us all to hangout. I'm not ready to let them go. I have never been too good at making friends, so I didn't want to have to say goodbye them. It's hard, but that's just life. Life is hard so we all just have to keep going on, fighting back at whatever life throws at us.

This day I will remember for a long time. The day our class of 1997, all wore blue gowns, and got our diplomas, before leaving this school behind. I've been here for four years, so it's going to be different not returning here when summer is over. I won't be seeing familiar faces this fall. I will be seeing strangers, and trying to adapt in a dorm room with whoever my roommate may be. It's going to be very different.

"Ready?" My mom puts a smile on her face, trying to hide that she was just crying.

I glance around, looking at all the remaining people out here, smiling. Smiling because it's time to start a new adventure.

"Yeah." I answer back, turning back to follow her with Gabriel to our moms small blue car.

Before I get in, I look back at the school. Goodbye. I say in my thoughts. This is the last I will see of this place for quite a while.

"I can't believe you're done now," Gabriel says once I get in the car. "We have to do so much over the summer before you go, okay?"

I turn my head in the passenger seat to look back at him. "Don't worry, we will."

"I just don't want it to go by too fast." My mother says with a frown on her face.

I agree though, I don't want the time to fly by. I will be cherishing each and every moment I spend with my friends and family this summer. It will be the last time we see each other until I leave until winter break. I'll try to visit over some weekends though, it's just going to be hard because plane tickets can be expensive. But I'll try to get a job out there so I can visit as much as I can.

I'll be out there for four years so of course I want to visit a lot. Four years without my brother. Four years without my mom. It will be different, and hard, but it's a part of my new adventure. A new adventure to success. An adventure somewhere new.

This is probably going to be a lot harder on my mother though because I'm her first kid to go. Gabriel will be next in three years. She raised me, without my father basically, and I turned out great. It hurts that I'll have to leave her behind.

"I still can't believe it." Gabriel repeats from earlier.

I look at the tiny image of the school in the rear view mirror and say, "I can't either."


I hope you liked this!!! My new fanfic!!!!!! New chapter very soon!!!:)

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