~~~Chapter 15: Some good news??~~~

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It was undeniable, something about Nyra had changed. She was acting tense and restrained all the time and she was suspiciously quiet now. 

All Asha knew was that Nyra thought that she didn't know something and wasn't ready for something. 
What 'something' was remained a mystery for Asha. 

She had grown more distant from Hermione as she had began hanging out with Harry and Ron from her own house so she had less time for the Slytherin Asha. Harry on the other hand was evidently trying to make amends to Asha by being company to her more often which also lead Hermione back to her. 

Nyra was not close to any of Gryfindors' which unhelpfully split Asha up more from her brother.

Asha had thought (possibly delusional) that Gordon had stopped being a pest after a couple days of successfully avoiding him for almost a week. 
It turned out she was wrong, and it just so happened that she was alone, entering the Slytherin common room. 
"Oh there she is! Just who I was talking about." 

Asha looked up to see Gordon standing alongside Draco and their goons. 
"What do you want, Brother?" Asha snapped, not in the mood for one of his mockeries. 

"Oh, no no. you get me wrong, I'm only talking to you to inform you of some news." Gordon had a devilish smile scraped across his face. 

"So what are you here to say, you haven't bugged me for a while and I've enjoyed it."

"I haven't bugged you because your too pathetic to bug at the moment. Your a complete loser and it seemed Mum and Dad agree with me." 

"What?" Asha was now intrigued but she wasn't about to show that to him.

"For that information you'll have to beg us." 
Asha turned her head right to see Draco stepping forward, clearly board of such a slow conversation. 

"Why would I beg you for some useless information?" Asha slumped down on a couch, pretending not to care.

"Because it shows how much your parents care for you." Gordon laughed causing all of his dronelike goons to laugh behind him.

"I know they don't care for me, what is it now, they wish they hadn't conceived me?" Asha replied rather morbidly. 

"I... Urrrr... Yes?" Gordon seemed extremely confused by Asha's words but her pressed on anyway. "To put it in short, you are not wanted home for Christmas. Neither is Harry."

Asha smiled to herself and laid back on the couch, ignooring them as Draco began complaining about 'not making her beg'.
She knew that Gordon told her this in order to upset her, but instead he had just given her possibly the best news she had ever received. 


"Harry! Harry!" Asha yelled out across the Great Hall as she ran over the Gryffindor table earning many looks along the way. 

Harry turned around with a mouthful of food. "What Asha?" He asked, surprised at her sudden and rare burst of energy. 

"Its about Christmas break! We're not wanted!" Asha yelled a bit too loud, earning Hermione's attention. 

"What do you mean not wanted?" Hermione asked tentatively as she studied the twins faces. She was yet to see Asha this happy.

"I'm not wanted either, Parents are going to Egypt." Ron said absentmindedly through a mouthful of food. 

Hermione ignored his out of place comment as she continued. "And why does that make you happy?" 

Harry looked at Asha whose smiled had quickly faded. "We're saying here over the holidays." She said much more quietly as she walked away from the Gryffindor table holding her breath so she didn't attract attention. 

Harry looked down for almost 30 seconds as the silence spoke louder than her words ever could. Hermione understood enough without words to know she messed up.
"Sorry..." She whispered to Harry who looked up and nodded to her. 

"Not your fault, you didn't know."


Asha went straight to find Nyra. She wasn't sitting at the Slytherin table so Asha assumed that she was still in their dorm. 

There was a maze of corridors that Asha was walking through to get back to the dungeons but Nyra popped up behind her before she had even gotten half the way there. 

"Hey Asha! Where are you going?" Nyra asked cheerily. 

Asha was taken aback by Nyra's happy attitude which was a change to her often quiet persona she had adopted over the past weeks. 
"Hey Nyra. I was actually looking for you." She replied. "but what has gotten into you first?"

"Uhhh? what do you mean?" Nyra quickly glanced behind her as a boy in Hufflepuff robes hastily jogged out of a classroom and went the direction of the Great Hall. Asha picked up on this but chose to ignore it.

"Nyra, you know how most of us are going home for Christmas?" 

"Yes. Are you?" Nyra spoke softly, evidently not wanting to talk about this topic at this time. 

"No! I get to stay here with Harry!" Asha exclaimed super happily. 

Nyra's mouth formed the shape of a grin, "really? Like your staying too?"

"Too? Like are you staying for the break as well?!" Asha asked energetically. "Why didn't you tell me before? Are your parent's going away like Ron's?

Nyra turned and looked away and ignored the last two questions. 
"I thought I was going to be alone for the break. Thank God your staying." Nyra then picked up on how Asha said it so looked straight into Asha's eyes. "Why were you happy to be staying?" 

Asha backed off a bit and broke eye contact. 
"Ummm... I... Harry was... N-none of your business, it doesn't matter anyway."
As much as Asha trusted Nyra, she wasn't about to openly admit her and Harry's past to anyone. 

Nyra, of course, didn't buy Asha's lie but she decided if Asha wasn't going to tell her happily then there was no point ruining her mood for the rest off the day for now, she knew the truth always spills out eventually.
"Right." She said absentmindedly, "Anyway, does Harry know?"

"I told him before I went for you." 

"I was your second thought?" Nyra faked being offended as they walked back into the great hall to eat. 

The ABUSED twin... - Asha Potter - Harry Potter OCWhere stories live. Discover now