~~~Chapter 11: A flying Fight~~~

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Asha was stuck in her head as the lesson began. She just couldn't get a ringing sound out of her head. It was evident Harry wasn't experiencing the same but he was nervously fidgeting next to Ron. He had attempted to get Asha's attention but she ignored him. 

"You ok Asha?" 

This shook Asha out of her head as she returned to reality. 
"Huh? Oh.. yes." 

Nyra turned her head slowly away and looked down to her designated broom.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Madame Hooche began for the lesson. "Everyone step to the left side of their broom stick. C'mon now hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say 'up'."

There was a scatter of movement as everyone moved next to their broom and began to repeatedly command 'up'. 

Asha watched as Harry did it first time. 
Draco was soon after. 

Nyra on the other hand was only getting the broom to wiggle about. 

"Dear, you need to command it for it to work." Madame Hooche insisted, directed at a distracted Asha. 

"Oh... Right." Asha gulped. It wasn't the fear of failure which scared her - rather what brooms had done to her in the past. 

The broom went straight into her hand.

"How did you do it! up! UP!" Nyra complained as hers continued to shift across the ground.

"Umm. I have a history with brooms." 

"And so does Harry?" Nyra asked, clearly agitated by hers brooms lack of movement.

"Not history, no" 

Asha was quickly back into her own head, attempting to avoid Harry's constant hand gestures directed for her. 

"When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick of from the ground hard. Keep your brooms steady, Hover for a second, then lean forwards slightly before touching down." Madame Hooche instructed, "On my whistle, 3, 2.."

A Gryffindor called Neville Longbottom prematurely shot off on his broom suddenly, clearly out of control. 

"Mr Longbottom... Mr... Mr Longbottom!" Madame Hooche repeatedly called out. 

Some of the Slytherins were laughing quietly whilst the rest stared at the boy in shock. 

Neville then fell. 

Asha froze as she saw a replay of her past she did not need to see. 

"Everyone out of the way!" Madame Hooche yelled as she pushed past the crowd of students. The crowd was tightly huddled around Neville - all apart from Asha, who stood perfectly still, ignooring the cries from students and the worried look on her teachers face.

Madame Hooche  hurried to the boy who lay on the ground in pain. 
"Ohh dear... It's a broken wrist... Come on now, up you get. Everyone keep their feet firmly on the ground as I take Mr Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say Quidditch."

"Just leave the puny kid and get on with flying." Gordon yelled, surprisingly the first bit of loud mouthing all lesson. Madame Hooche ignored him. 

Nyra was the first to notice Asha but chose to keep quiet. 

"Asha, Asha are you ok?" 

She turned around to see Harry looking down worriedly at her. 
She didn't want to have to talk to him right now. Any other time would be better...

"Yes.. I'm fine thanks." 

"Look, Asha, I'm so sorry about the other day.." 

"Can we talk about it another time?" Asha was quick to shut him off. 

The ABUSED twin... - Asha Potter - Harry Potter OCWhere stories live. Discover now