~~~Chapter6: The First of many problems...~~~

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The next day past and Asha was the first one up. 
The truth was, she barely slept. 

"Your already up?" 

Asha turned around to see Nyra rubbing her eyes.
"Couldn't sleep..." Asha said. 

"Well, c'mon, we want to be early for breakfast." Nyra whispered as she pulled the half-asleep Asha out of their dorm and out into the corridors. 

As they walked along the corridors towards the great hall, Asha saw a red head standing with a black-haired boy with glasses.

"Harry!" Asha called before turning to Nyra, "Uhh, sorry, I'll see you in the hall. 

Harry walked over to Asha but didn't hug her like usual which worried Asha slightly. 

"Hey Asha... Harry smiled, "Why didn't you find me yesterday?" 

Asha took a step back but for once stood up for herself.
"Uhhh, I... I didn't have time... I was just ab..." 

"Didn't have time for me? Your brother?" Harry asked, passive aggressively.

"No- no... Not like that! I was just swept away in a crowd." She replied quickly. 

"But you could have... Never mind..." Harry started, "By the way, I've never seen you do what you did to our brother and that Malfoy last night!" 

"Do what?" 

"You know... I've never seen you actually stand up for yourself!" Harry smiled at Asha before pulling her arm. "Now c'mon! We don't want to be late for food!"

Asha walked up to the Slytherin table slowly- her own brother thought she was useless. She didn't care what anyone else cared but from him, that hurt.

"What happened?" Nyra asked.

Asha looked up. "Hmmm? Oh, n-nothing..." 

"I can tell your lying, but I'll leave it. Anyway, you need to have some food before its all gone!" Nyra swept some sausages on Asha's plate. 


After food, they had many lessons in classes all across the school. 
Asha found them all fascinating, but she missed Harry of which she shared only one lesson with- potions with Professor Snape.

However, it was finally potions but when she entered the room, she couldn't see Harry. Or Ron for that matter. 

"Hey, where's Harry?" She whispered to Nyra who sat with some other girls. 

"Don't know, I thought you were gonna miss the lesson, so I saved you a seat." 

"Thanks..." Asha mumbled, worried about Harry. 

Harry and Ron entered seconds before they lesson started and were forced to sit at the only seats left, right at the front next to Hermione.
As Harry walked by, he glared at Asha with a look of hurt which confused her. 

What? Asha mouthed to him, but Snape slapped his desk to turn him around as he was about to start his lesson. 

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class!" Snape started, "As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art of this potion making. However, for those select few who possess the predisposition...
I can teach you, how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses... 
I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death..."

The ABUSED twin... - Asha Potter - Harry Potter OCWhere stories live. Discover now